You know it, Ros knows it, most others know it, I know it. Laymn and Pb have another view. Their view is presently meaningless to science UNLESS, there can be found some actual hard, repeatable evidence to support their "belief". Their entire view of the origins of life and "universal Intelligence" is not conclusion based . Its creating a desired role for an "Unnamed super intelligence" and they believe that this can be proven (I say let em dig up the proof thats not circular).
The fraud comes where their discussion approach is to make believe that their conjecture is actual fact.
If it were fact, dont we know that all these ID "fellows" and their minions would be clamoring for publication and recognition by the Nobel Committee (Sorry Pb but the Nobel prizes in abiogenesis today have all been in chemistry -even the discovery of DNA).
I say wait for evidence of these desired outcomes , not the clippings and speculation of amateurs.
Laymn accuses me of being paranoid. Obviously he likes to ignore the track record of fraud that the IDers and Discovery... in particular have hoisted on us in the last 20 + years (ever since the teaching of "Scientific Creationism" was required as a science unit in Louisiana Public Schools. Maybe I am, but its only been as a result of being next to the guys that he seems to respect , and I find kinda slimy and dishonest by "design"
In 2010, the Geological Society of America got "duped" by one Dr S Austen (originally a researcher in how radioactive decay overprints "Halos" (called birefringence patterns" in micas found in volcanic deposits. These "halos" were used for relative dating until it was found NOT to work.
SO, Dr Austen, became an IDer and was made a "fellow " of the Discovery Institute. I think all this was around 2004.
Anyway, the 2010 GSA National Conference was taking paper abstracts and field trip proposals for the DENVER meeting site.
Austen proposed a "field trip to the Grand Canyon to study hydraulc deposits of the Canyon Cross section. His trip proposal got an ok from the peer review committee for the Conference and this required a field trip prospectus and a written abstract and field guide.
Between getting his abstract published in the proceedings (after the field trip), it became obvious that Austen was publishing a treatise on "Flood Deposits" and evidence of a Worldwide Flood from the Geologic record from the Vishnu to the Kaibab.
Time for the field trip and Austen began his ID spiehl, it became obvious that Austen was there just to proselytize his worldview by basing it on some wackadoo woo woo that was a more religious based view of Stratigraphy that was rather embarrassing to geology. (It turned out that he had invited a few reporters to accompany the field trip and, of course, they were there to write anything that sounded interesting , whether it made sense or not)> As he began preaching ID (and its legitimate parent :Scientific Creationism")
The field trip slowly began turning into the many choruses of "IM A LUMBERJACK AND IM OK"
Real scientists and student attendees slowly began to "catch on" that this guy was preaching about something that was not only unproven, but was all wrong . AGU , the over arcing organization of the physical sciences, sent a letter that said, in effect"What the hell are you guys thinking(to let this fraud happen at a prestigious conference)". Hamanahamana hamana was probably all that was needed because GSA was nicely duped and made a laughing stock. THE DISOCVERY INSTITUTE published , in their newsletters how the ID "Theories" are making inroads within the "stodgy organizations Like Geological Society of America" .
The whole point is that DI wont stop at fraud, chicanery, outright lying and misrepresenting what scientists say, just to keep themselves from losing traction.
WHatever the DI comes up with in its many forms and klaverns, I shall wait for their yearly reports of findings and make my annual observations thattheres no "there" there...
As far as their accomplishments...
1 I see lots of self published papers of a worldview base, not a scientific base
2. Where peer review papers are published, the only ones that even speculate on ID are those of a computer, or math base , not a phys science or bio science science base. Mathemtics can bullshit with anyone. Believe me, Ive got lots of years reviewing geophysical reports
3DI is still mostly trying to convince us that they are making deep understandings about Universal Intelligence out when its mostly all double speak.
4. SHills , according to the NCSE, are busy peopling all kinds of chat lines and the flavor of these last few years (As they try to play down the significance of
KITZMILLER v DOVER), is no longer "teach the controversy" but Our work scopes for the search for intelligence are underway--"watch for em"),
5. DI's minions have another favourite argument that there exists a" greaat schism among the sciences involved in evolutionary sciences". Thats total bullshit but its pervasive in the popular science press.