CarbonSystem wrote:I'm guilty as well. Sometimes I come in hear to blow of steam.
No kidding, CS. You didn't say much of anything at all.
Quote:I am tired of hearin Michael Moore get praised on his authority bashing "documentaries". These are skewed images of what really happen. He doesn't hate Bush. He loves him. Bush is the man who gets Moore paid. I know I'll be bombarded by many left wingers who think he is leading the way and exoposing Bush's true flaws, but I am eager to hear your arguments. So bring it on, gimme the best you got, I'm listening.
I was looking for more info on whether F9/11 is worth spending a few dollars to see or not (it finally made it to my little hamlet.) The controversy online intrigues me more than MM's p.o.v. I don't think we need MM to point our Shrub's flaws!

It's not like he's trying to hide them, you know. They are right out there for everyone to see! I mean, you
did see them before MM came to a cinema near you and pointed them out to you, right?

So, you saw the movie, did you get your money's worth from it? Was it entertaining? I'll assume it wasn't informative to you since you saw him sensationalize things, juxtaposing unrelated incidents to make his own points...
But was it thought provoking?
You've got no argument from me: MM is making documentaries to make a dollar and gain some power and fame. He's getting all of that, so he must be doing something right.