Quote:What can I do to prevent this?
I assume you mean to prevent him from betraying you to your boyfriend. So here are my brief suggestions in the order of best to worst.
1. Tell your boyfriend that you made a terrible mistake and have cheated on him with loverboy. Beg forgiveness. He has a right to know what kind of cheating hussy you are so that he can make an informed decision about whether or not to maintain his relationship with you. (And, he may admit to having his own little hussy on the side, thus evening out the score.) Honesty is always the best policy.
2. Introduce loverboy to some new girl toy. He will drop you for her and hold no animosity toward you.
3. Start being a bitch around him. He will dump you for a non-bitch and probably not tell the BF. (Don't be too bitchy or he may contact the BF just to get even.)
4. Dump loverboy and call your BF immediately, telling him about this creepy guy who has been pushing you to go out with him. Talk about how you are afraid of him because he seems to be stalking you and you don't know what he might do or say about you. Then, if loverboy contacts him, you can claim the guy is nuts and have no idea how he found out your BF's contact info or why he would say some crazy stuff.
5. Dump your boyfriend and develop a relationship with your loverboy. He will have no reason to then tell your BF.
6. Change your name, move to Brazil.
Of course, the best course of action is something you cannot do after the fact, which is not to cheat on someone to begin with, just as Jespah wrote. Long distance relationships are tough. If you are not up to being faithful, then at least be honest enough with the BF and sever the relationship with him so he too can find someone new.