Wed 4 Aug, 2004 07:34 am
Could someone translate the following from English to Latin?
"We can draft."
That's draft, as in NFL draft -- a selection process, or a recruitment. I don't need a really accurate translation, just something plausible. Many thanks in advance.
Thanks, Eos
I really appreciate the translation. It's tough to find anybody on the street these days who speaks Latin.
I don't speak Latin, but I know some. It's just my interest. I think people in Vatican speak Latin. I think the pope lives there too.
Does anyone know how to say "stand and be judged"?
Also, is there a latin word for "Loyalty?"
Loyalty is fidês or fidelitâs in its pure form. Is there a particular phrase that you want to say, or just 'loyalty' on its own?
"sta ac es iudica" (if we're speaking to one person)
I don't know how the gerund would work here.
"stand and be judged"
Its just loyalt by itself.
Thanks for yal's help.
No, Lucifer, that's "be and stand and judge", not "stand and be judged"
and, in the passive, a better choice is 'existimare':
"sta et existimare"
Can someone tell be the latin word for 'judged' used in the context 'they who are judged' and the version for 'he who is judged'. Any varriant words are welcome, but I'm especially interested in the correct use of iudico. I'd also like to know how to pronounce it.
iudicatus = he who is judged
iudicati = they who are judged
Actually both translate into English as "judged", the past participle of
judge. But the "us" at the end of one marks it as third person singular
and the "i" at the end of the other marks it as third person plural, allowing
us to dispense with the "he who is" and "they who are". Economical, no?
wow people doing latin translations
its impossible to find any good ways to translate a small phrase on the internet. Anyways I would like to know how to say "God is Dead", if it helps any im talking about the concept of god.
This forum looks pretty cool so I hope to see some of you around
God is dead - deus mortuus est. Hee, an easy one.
wow that was fast thanks dude
HELLO, Can anyone translate to Latin:
Don't ask why
Angeli Inferni
Semper Fidelis
Could someone translate the following from English to Latin?
"From tiny acorns mighty oaks do grow."
Best wishes
Can anyone translate this phrase to latin:
Can anyone translate this phrase to latin:
It is through our suffering that we grow strong.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Per passionem nostram valescimus.