There are a few translations for this depending on who you ask.
This has been on my family Crest for over 350 years and we have always been taught that it means, "The Little Ascend." It is also "Little Things grow." I've never heard the Harmony but I wouldn't despute it either.
I was taught that our family had started out as trail makers on the border of England and Ireland. They cleared thick growths Hazel allowing for a clear path between the two lands. Over time as the path grew in popularity my family also gained in stature, and overtime took the name Hazely. (Not sure I'm spelling that right) Somewhere along the line Hazely became Haseley. The land they settled became known as "Great Haseley" Which still exists today.
Hence: "The Little Ascend"
Now I can't stress enough I am not reciting "Wiki or the Great Haseley" Website that's my family history as it has been handed down in my family. So don't start quoting and going "THAT'S NOT WHAT IT SAYS HERE!" LOL