Redheat wrote:Quote:All true, but rather irrelevant by now, since the Newsweek poll has been followed by a bunch of other polls (CNN/Gallup, ARG, CBS, ABC/WaPo and the Rasmussen tracking one). And of all of them, only the ABC/WaPo poll showed more of a bounce than the Newsweek one had; CBS, ARG and Rasmussen all showed an even smaller bounce and in the CNN/Gallup one, Kerry actually lost ground against Bush compared to before the Convention. See
this overview here.
Not sure what polls you are looking at.
Ehm ... the ones I mentioned? The ones I listed in the overview I just linked in? CNN/Gallup, ARG, CBS, ABC/WaPo and Rasmussen, in addition to the Newsweek one ... and you can add a Marist one now, too (bounce: 0 to -1%). All but Rasmussen are reported on, so you should've seen them already.
Redheat wrote:Like I said the "bounce" would have been very small given the pool of undecided voters is very small. There is little chance Bush will receive a bump either, there just aren't that many voters left out there to give the bounce it bump.
Agreed. Let's hope so, anyway.
Redheat wrote:Besides Kerry DID in all the poll GAIN electoral votes which we all know are the only ones that count. As of today he is up by almost 100.
Hmm ... there are widely varying numbers out there on the EC score ... but "up by almost 100" seems like a
lot by any score I've seen ... which site did you get that number from?
Redheat wrote:So there was a bounce, it just wasnt the show stopping one the Republicans tried to make out would exist.
A bounce of 2% nationally aint much of a "bounce" by any standard ... negligeable.
Redheat wrote:Not sure Nimh what your point was except to just sum up the points I had all ready made.
Sure, we agree on the main storyline, its just I'm anal about the details.
Ie, if you say there's been a bounce "of 2-5%", when out of all seven national post-Convention polls, only
one had 5+%, and four had
below 2%, that to me looks like an incorrect presentation of facts. And I'll note so, cause thats what I do.
Same with the quote you posted about the Newsweek poll. It went on and on about how you cant trust the Newsweek poll cause half of it was actually polled before Kerry's speech, so it was all wrong of the media to base any headlines on there being no bounce on it ... posted when you did so, that whole quote was irrelevant, cause there'd been a spate of polls
since showing pretty much the same thing (or worse).
Those were my two points. <shrugs>