Listen up!
When I was twelve, back in the Chicago area, a guy in my grade school asked me out, and my parents (who probably had conniptions but I didn't know about it) let me go with him one afternoon, taking a bus to see a movie in our suburb. Taza, Son of Chochise was the movie.
I had worked up stuff to talk about and, as we walked up to Ridge Avenue towards the bus, asked him all of them, including if he was interested in basketball. I knew he was short, since he was short, and in later years height has never mattered to me, but I'd no clue that could be a dumb question. Anyway, neither of us talked the whole rest of the way, including through and after the movie, until he walked me to our door, and I mumbled something that I now forget.
Man, all these years later, I hope that guy had a good life.
to you - relax, girls are wonderful and stupid and mean and thoughtful.