Hi Dys!
Answer: I don't know. I guess it might have been a good idea to try.
A better idea would be if these friggin guys representing us would acknowledge that some of the actions of the US government in other countries may have served to foster some of the hate now rained down upon us, though. This is not blaming America but the actions of it's government at times. This country has done a lot of sketchy things itself and it's naive of the American people to believe we always have everyone's best interests at heart and are only interested in spreading freedom and democracy. The only way to effectively change a bad thing is to first recognize it as such. We do overthrow democracies and we have set up many horrible and oppressive governments overseas for our own purposes.
Acting in our best interests is wise, but when thousands of people are oppressed or killed to support it, we need to figure out a better way.
So I say fight the war on terrorism
with more than our money and our might, and we may be more effective and safer in the long term.