Thu 29 Jul, 2004 06:53 pm
man ok i no this girl im really starting to like a lot of girls and wen i say alot i mean alot
help !!!
Hmm...I can hardly comprehend what you are saying, but if I have it right, you have a girl you like....but there are a lot of girls you like...maybe a lot of girls like you and you can't decide....I dunno. I say you are young, play the field dude.
He's 12 Cav.
Why don't you tell her how you feel. Maybe she feels the same way.
No, don't tell her you like least not unless you know her pretty well. You've got to play the game to win the game, you can't just ask to win.
Relationships are not about playing games!
i gotta go with 505 on this one
Well then, you'd be making a mistake.
He's only 12 years old Montana.
Chances are, this will be not his only mistake
I understand that, but I'm just trying to tell him that playing games is not the way to go, but of course he'll have to learn from his own mistakes. Problem is, a lot of people never learn.
ok 505 i went with u and it was good i mean we where really good then my gut said ask her so i did she said mabey ill tell u tomarrow then i was walkin to her and my best friend who aperintly asked her out 5 minites after me went up to her kissed her looked at me with this haha grin and walked away
Maybe the language differences created a wide gap that was to vast to cross. I suggest that you learn some English and then try again. Girls dig wordly guys with reasonable vocabularies. If you sit around talking to people on the internet like we do, youll wind up a hopeless illiterate with no life. You want that kid?
Rap is for mopes.
Chicks want a boyfriend with skils.
Bow hunting skills, nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills.
12 years old? Dude, go play kickball or something and don't worry about girls untill you're at least 15 o 16.