And as anti-hero, well, the first one that comes to mind would be George W Bush, how about it?
W was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but did poorly at school. Rather than going to Vietnam he chose to serve in the National guard where his father's friends got him into flying school in spite of his low grades. He showed his gratitude for this hard fought victory by deserting and his fathers friends covered for him.
How he got through Harvard, I do not know, but he can't have learned much because he proceeded by running a few companies into the ground and becoming an alcoholic until he was taken on board by his father's friends, who later handed him the presidency despite him being defeated at the polls, after which he set about ruining the US economy and the international prestige and security of the US.
Looking back at his track record, the only heroic thing he ever did was beating alcoholism, but even that he did not do on his own.
Finally, a little know incident: This happened when his father was in the White House (as vice president I believe). W visited the Gambia to celebrate the opening of the new airport (extended by the US in order to have an alternative landing spot for the space shuttle, sic). The Gambian authorites had mistaken W for his father (same name, easy mistake to make) and prepared a grand reception. W was treated to a performance of traditional dances. During the show one of the masked dancers apparently startled W so that he fell off his chair (or maybe he had just choked on a pretzel?

). W was promptly jumped upon by his body guards who believed it was an attempt on his life, while his African hosts stood by in polite embarrasment

. (NB: I heard this story told in the Gambia

before anyone this side of the pond had ever heard of W).
So I challenge you to find a bigger non-hero in recent history