Tue 27 Jul, 2004 03:36 pm
The Shrub eats poop sammiches and howls at the moon.
Dick Cheney is Satan's right hand man.
Colin Powell sold out his principles for a "place in the sun."
Rummy wishes he could be Dick Cheney, but he ain't bright enough.
Given half a chance, Ashcroft would be setting up stakes and piles of wood in public squares across America to put paid to the godless "far left."
Come on, come on, you know it's true ! ! !
Bush Sr. is heavily invested in wood lots and match companies.
Aside from the first one, (and maybe the second is a bit overdone), I agree that the remaining ones seem to be pretty close to the truth. Particularly the last one. Ashcroft is bonkers.
come on set, you know junior doesn't like bread.....
I hadn't heard that, Bear, thanks for the heads-up . . .
Justice isn't blind. She's just afraid to look.