@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
If the Speaker doesn't have real power, what is the point of having a Speaker? A Speaker without true power is a figure head. You will only get total chaos if the Speaker doesn't have real power.
Bingo, you either lead or you are screwed. We have had total chaos for too many years because the House and Senate seem to think they should tamp down the programs of the President. Like it or not, POTUS represents all of the country and POTUS is acutely aware of every agreement the US has entered into. I understand that the Governor of Nebraska might not understand all the ins and outs of Federal agreements, but he/she could get clarification if he/she actually want to understand. If they don't care, and would rather assume it's arrogant mismanagement, then their constituents should insist their Governor become informed, unless the population is even less engaged than their Governor.
What you don't know can come home and bite your butt. And Ignorance is really not bliss, ignorance means you leave your house unlocked because you don't believe there is such a thing as harmful people. Good Luck.