Tue 20 Oct, 2015 10:14 am
So I met this girl not to long ago. The first time I met her we ended up talking about a lot of different things and we even found similar likes and dislikes. I end up getting her phone number that day, and we decide the next that we (or rather she suggested that I could come over so she could cook me dinner and watch a movie). We agree to do this two days after we first met. (we held hands while watching a movie that night). Before I left that night she also gave me a tighter hug then she had given me when The date started. After the date we keep on texting each other everyday. we have seen each other twice since that day and every time we meet up she gives me these tight and longer the usual hugs. She also frequently plays with her hair when we talk face to face. We have decided to go watch a movie in the cinema soon, and I want to know if I should try to make a move for a kiss at the end of this date?
Also note that she has never been in a relationship and seems like a shy girl when there is a lot people she don't know. Don't know if this info helps but I thought I might as well put it here. If you need more details, let me know.
I really really want to kiss her.
all right then
gotta say it sounded like she was ready (invited you over, cooked for you, hugs you) but you weren't ready
talk to her
kiss her
it's not necessarily that big a deal
I just didn't want to move to fast with this girl. First girl I ever have hung out with like we did. I didn't want to blow it all because I moved to fast. But yeah I am defiently going for the kiss next time we see each other.
Do you want to kiss her ?
I really want to kiss her. But she does'nt seem like she is ready. We were walking home from our date tonight, and at the end when I tried to look her in the eyes and tell her how beautiful she is and then kiss her, she avoided me by ducking her head and walk towards her door. She has never been in a relationship or ever kissed a guy before. One of friends are good friends with one of her friends, and he told me that she said that she talks about me often when they do their girl talk.
Any tips on how I should proceed to get that first kiss?