Satan claus

Reply Sat 17 Oct, 2015 04:00 pm
Call me a crazy man but the big jolly jelly belly man of Christmas is satan.

He has a kingdom in the north .. Why? Nobody lives there . Oh wait !

Isaiah 14:13 ", ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north." was what satan said.

Also, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you are sleeping, good, and bad. Santa is omnipotent. Guess who else is.. God.

He has a big book of judgement of the good and bad for their presents. Sound familiar ?

Read revelation 20:12. Everyone is judged by God with a book of life.

Here's something else ..

Santa is everywhere on Christmas with the good . Omnipresent, yes. God is omnipresent. Santa tries to be a god.

He basically says " I'm god , not The Most High you worship! Worship me, for I give you materialistic objects you love and make your idols, and He doesn't !"

And you bet they do.

All of the kids worship Santa's name on that Christmas Day. How did you grow up with the Christmas tradition? Santa, right? Who didn't.

Santa is a false god created by satan to get people to worship him and not God. He conned everyone, but we can change that.

View best answer, chosen by Johnjohnjohn
Tes yeux noirs
Reply Sat 17 Oct, 2015 05:37 pm
You do realise you're going to piss off a whole lot of kids with this Santa is Satan stuff? Keep taking your schizo meds.

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Reply Sat 17 Oct, 2015 05:46 pm
One of my friends once got a Bible for Christmas. How does that work?

Also: 'Also, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you are sleeping, good, and bad. Santa is omnipotent. Guess who else is.. God. '

not omnipotent, but omniscient.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 06:27 am
Does parents lying to their kids about a false god sound anything like the LORD's holiday?
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 12:01 pm
Johnjohnjohn wrote:

Does parents lying to their kids about a false god sound anything like the LORD's holiday?

Does it anywhere in the bible say that Christmas is the LORD's holiday?
The entire concept of it is a farce, as far as the bible goes. The christmas tree is also a heathen tradition: which, if I'm not mistaken, was introduced by the RC church back in the day to make christianity an easier 'sell' with certain tribes.

In fact, the christian thing to do might be to tell candle light stories about God. There's a lot to choose from too: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, the plagues in egypt (not forgetting the slaying of all the firstborn children... that one always goes down well with the kids!), or perhaps my personal favorite: the story of Job.

Fun times for all involved.

Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 12:23 pm
Santa Claus
comes from the Saint Nicolaus, a saint who was a Bishop. That is why he is wearing a red coat. Saint Nicolaus is also the saint of sailors. The reason there are so many St. Nicolai Churches in harbour cities.
He also is well known for having giving gifts to the poor.
The Christmas tree is in no way something to make Christianity easier to sell with certain tribes.
Christianity existed centruries before the tree got to be part of Christmas the way we know it.
Christmas cannot even be mentioned in the Bible as it was written long before Christ was born. The new testament afterwards and based on told stories.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 12:29 pm
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Tes yeux noirs
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 01:15 pm
I once saw a cartoon in the "New Yorker" showing a thousand foot tall Santa rampaging through New York kicking down skyscrapers and cramming handfuls of live people into his mouth. A multitude is fleeing and one of them is saying to his companion "This is sure going to disappoint a lot of children"
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Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 01:22 pm
saab wrote:

Santa Claus
comes from the Saint Nicolaus, a saint who was a Bishop. That is why he is wearing a red coat. Saint Nicolaus is also the saint of sailors. The reason there are so many St. Nicolai Churches in harbour cities.
He also is well known for having giving gifts to the poor.
The Christmas tree is in no way something to make Christianity easier to sell with certain tribes.
Christianity existed centruries before the tree got to be part of Christmas the way we know it.
Christmas cannot even be mentioned in the Bible as it was written long before Christ was born. The new testament afterwards and based on told stories.

I stand corrected on the tree bit.

And Christmas could very well be mentioned in the bible, since the coming of Christ (according to christians, of course) was prophecied multiple times in the old testament.

And even if the new testament was based on told stories, why does that preclude the possiblity of Christmas being mentioned there?

However, I was responding to John*3 saying it was the lord's holiday.

@Set: Sweet little song Smile
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 01:57 pm
Nobody was Christian before Jesu birth and Jesus himself did not want a religion named after him - if I recall correct.
Humans took up his ideas and named them aftter Jesus Christ. So Christmas cannot have been mentioned in the Bible.
Why do we celebrate Christmas in December. Because Luke mentions Jesu birth was at the time the sheppards were outside watching the sheep
Pope Liberius decided year 354 that Chistmas day should be December 25th. Nine months after the Annunciation
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 03:15 pm
What's the problem? Anybody worried about people worshiping Santa Clause? There are no Santa clause churches, temples or cathedrals. Maybe somebody has too much time on their hands.
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Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 03:55 pm
saab wrote:

Nobody was Christian before Jesu birth and Jesus himself did not want a religion named after him - if I recall correct.
Humans took up his ideas and named them aftter Jesus Christ. So Christmas cannot have been mentioned in the Bible.
Why do we celebrate Christmas in December. Because Luke mentions Jesu birth was at the time the sheppards were outside watching the sheep
Pope Liberius decided year 354 that Chistmas day should be December 25th. Nine months after the Annunciation

Why are we having this discussion? I am not interested in why and how christianity is called christianity. Jesu certainly wished for his word to be spread, and it had be mentioned by some name. Calling the belief after the name of the principal does not seem to be too far of a stretch... And if he was so opposed to it, then for certs the Holy Ghost could have, you known, instilled that little bit of knowledge in the heads of the apostles during Pentecoast.

Christmas would obviously not have been called by that name in the Bible. I wasn't referring to the name itself, I was just talking about the date. For starters, the name would have been in Hebrew, and second, Christmas stems from Christ's mass, and a mass is of course a Roman Catholic church custom.

And even that date is flexible: apparently, some christian churches in the east celebrate christmas in januari. And it matters not one bit to me.

What I want to know is where in the bible it is stated that the birthdate of Jesu, whenever it may be, should henceforth be celebrated as the LORD's holiday(as John*3's named it)
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Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 04:05 pm
saab wrote:

Christianity existed centruries before the tree got to be part of Christmas the way we know it.

and the fir/evergreen was part of pagan solstice celebrations centuries before Christianity

I'm going with the pagans on this.

Christians can join the bandwagon or not.

I'll stick with my solstice tree.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 05:10 pm
Call me a crazy man but the big jolly jelly belly man of Christmas is satan.

I think we’re not seeing the forest for the trees here. Let’s put Santa into perspective. He’s a heavy-set jolly guy who wears flaming red pants, flaming red coat and a flaming red hat. And it doesn’t stop there. There’s white fur trim lining the top of his boots, around the hem of his coat, and around his hat. And to top it all off, a white fur ball at the end of his hat. Allegedly, he has a wife, but one that he apparently doesn’t care to travel with. You’d think that all this would raise some red flags, but . . . no.

And what’s he been doing all year before Christmas? Who knows? But whatever he’s been doing, it has culminated in his having learned which kids have been good, and which kids have been bad. Stalking is such a strong word, but if the white fur-trimmed boot fits . . .

And what does he want? He wants to come into your house at night when there’s nobody awake, and give your kids presents. As far as what he wants in return for the presents, do I really have to go into that? And if you’re going to suggest that nothing untoward is going on because your kids don’t seem traumatized on Christmas morning, consider that this guy has the power of hypnosis. And if you find that too hard to believe, then consider this: A jolly older man in flaming red attire with white fur trim traveling alone who admits to having seen your kids when they were sleeping wants to give them presents in the middle of the night. Now, consider that you’re okay with that. Can you say hypnosis?
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 12:41 am
The Christmas tree did not get into use until around 1500 and with candles around 1500 to 1600

In the Nordic countries jul was celebrated in the darkest month of the year and not on one specific day. Celebrations also depended on how good the harvest had been.
As people had no watches and no calenders it was just celebrations as it fitted a family within the darkest month. Also how dark it was depended on which part of the northern countries you lived.
A Solstice you can only see if you have dayight and not night during the day and fog, snow and rain.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 01:11 am
Your idea does not really fit time.
Santa Claus starts in Holland the 6th of December when the family is together.
Santa Claus comes in the afternoon the 24th in Scandinavia when parents, grandparents and the whole family is there.
He then gets in his sledge and continues to USA where he arrives around midnight to put things in the stockings.
Has to hurry up as he has to be back to see to that also UK get there presents on the 25th.
He takes a pause as he now is really tired and rest until New Year when in France gifts are given.
Again a little pause till the 6th of January off to Spain and the families.
I do not think he has much time over for your idea.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 08:44 am
He then gets in his sledge and continues to USA where he arrives around midnight to put things in the stockings.

Well, apparently he prefers American children, as is evidenced by his preference for midnight visits to that part of the world.

Putting things in stockings? Yeah, I guess you could put it that way if you're into metaphors.
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2015 11:18 am
Honestly - it looks like you have dirty ideas more than Santa Claus does.
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Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2015 11:23 am
Trees were burned at the solstice for thousands of years before it was appropriated for use at Christmas.

Similarly, the traditional harvest celebrations were appropriated by Christians centuries after they began.

Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2015 02:33 pm
Solstice with the symbols of evergreen trees were more in south Europe and not in nortthern Europe.
I have never heard about burning trees for solstice. Only for Easter.
Jul was celebrated before Christianity in the darkest month and not on a specific day. Many think it was the middle of January. In the early days there were only two seasons in a year - winter and summer.
During the julian calender the 13th of December was solstice and that changed when we got the grogorian calender 1753 we got the solstice the 21st of December.
How far this traditon goes I do not know.
When the floor was cleand for the Christmas celebration one took spruce and spread it on the floor for the nice smell.
I do happen to know a little bit about traditions in Scandinavia

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