Sat 17 Oct, 2015 12:45 am
The word neocon gradually became a political codeword referring to hawkish support for wars like the one in Iraq. Used to describe a pro-Israeli faction in the government that was often seen as a cabal, it also took on much of the tone of traditional anti-Semitic tropes.
What does "it also took on much of the tone of traditional anti-Semitic tropes" mean here?
I'm not certain what the author means here, nor even that the author is correct about the neocons--but traditional antisemitic tropes (the author has screwed up the word antisemitic) means common stereotypes which promote antisemitic prejudices--that all Jews are greedy, that there are Jewish cabals to manipulate non-Jews, that Jews control the world's financial systems. Those are tropes, common over-used descriptions of Jews which are prejudicial in nature, i.e., antisemitic.
Thanks, so what does "took on" mean here? Does it mean that the neocons has become the target of the traditional anti-Semitic tropes?
In this context, "took on" means assumed the "assumed the appearance or attributes of" something.