Mon 26 Jul, 2004 01:04 am
My boyfriend has asked me to translate "Only God will judge me" for a tattoo, and I just wondered if someone could confirm that I have it correct, before he commits it to his body! I have translated it as "Solum Deus me iudicabit".
I would appreciate any help on this.
Hey, Jo! I would translate it the same as you did.
What's the Latin for 'Fu(k 'em if they can't take a joke"?
I came up with 'Possunt ire ad infernos, si no possunt accipere lepide iocos;' 'They can go to Hell, if they can't accept jokes gracefully.' I don't know whether there were a Latin equivalent of f..that Germanic word.
The 'Germanic' has the advantage of brevity. I'd stick with something simple like 'FTW'. Many thanks tho.
The 'Germanic' has the advantage of brevity. I'd stick with something simple like 'FTW'. Many thanks tho.
need english translation to latiin for names JORDAN and JOSHUA
Re: Latin Translation For A Tattoo
lj102800 wrote:Hiya,
My boyfriend has asked me to translate "Only God will judge me" for a tattoo, and I just wondered if someone could confirm that I have it correct, before he commits it to his body! I have translated it as "Solum Deus me iudicabit".
I would appreciate any help on this.
I'd say "Solus Deus", only should be an adjective modifying God.
If you use the adjective solum, that would mean God can only judge me.
m.humphries wrote:need english translation to latiin for names JORDAN and JOSHUA
Iosue = Joshua
I believe that Iordane = Jordan, but I'm not completely sure.