Just wanted to say, I CALLED IT.
Trickle down economics doesn't work. We should be strengthening the middle class (so they can pay their mortgages), not the upper class. These past few days and months are proof of that.
Trickle down economics is bull crap.
Reagen tried it for eight years, cranked up a huge national debt. And the economy went into a slump because none of that money actually trickled down. Ever wonder why Bush lost in 1992, it's the economy stupid, the slumped economy that Reagenomics brought about.
Bush similarly tried out this trickle down economics mumbo jumbo. And again none of that money actually trickled down. Rich people got richer. The middle class actually earned lower wages, even before you adjust for inflation.
Money doesn't trickle down like that.
A multimillionaire getting a 50,000 tax break is NOT going to be convinced to start a business because he has another 50,000 to throw around.
Rich people aren't stupid. They won't start a business just because tehy have money lying around. If they see potential to make more money, yes they will start a business, even if they have to borrow money in order to do it. So an extra 50,000 tax cut does exactly jack crap.
But a working class american getting even 5000 can use that money to send their kid to college, and you end up with an educated person who could productively contribute to the economy.
Compare McCain now to Bush in 2000. They sound IDENTICAL. Seriously. Lower the taxes on the rich... blah blah blah... lower the estate tax... blah... lower capital gains tax... blah... privatize social security (McCain said this multiple times during the debates, thank god we didn't do it or a lot of people would've been even more pissed off on Monday)...
The republicans are a one note party. They keep offering up the same old solutions, the same old policies.
And yet those policies failed under Reagen and they failed under Bush.And yet, they want to try them yet AGAIN. Why? Could it be that the bulk of their funds come from multimillionaires. Could it be that they are just stubborn a***** that are out of touch with reality. It sure explains there stance against homosexuality too.
"You can't just keep sending in the same people with the same answers to do the same job and expect a different result."
In countries like India, China, even Europe, the middle class got the bulk of the money from globalization. The middle class exploded and became much stronger.
In the US, because of Bush's regressive taxation and policies, the middle class actually lost money! Almost all of the money globalization generated went to the richest 5% of the population.
Republicans, uptill just a few months ago said that that's fine and dandy. It's okay that the rich got richer because ultimately, that strengthens wall street and the stock market.
Monday, we found out yet again just how wrong they were.