Do not get pregnant.
I ain't kiddin'.
Your financial imbalance will not change. Your guy's daughter will not suddenly love you. Your guy will not start pulling his financial weight. And if you mean what I think you mean about kicks in the rear end (and you're not using the term metaphorically), then he's abusing you. And that won't change, either.
He's got issues, possibly
executive dysfunction of some kind but I am no doctor and he should be tested. He seems incapable of planning or organizing his life, or taking responsibility for his actions. He instead blames you and blows it up and out of proportion into an accusation of negativity. Christ on a crutch, you should be able to ask where your power cord is, before it turns into a federal case. You should not be beaten for a reasonable question, or even an unreasonable one.
Wake up and sniff the java.
I would have walked long ago. Be glad you haven't gotten pregnant, because you would be dealing with two children at the same time.
Sometimes,the failure to get pregnant is the universe trying to tell you something.