The reason I keep saying is that there is implication put by some and by some articles that the 9/11 report might of been different had berger not taken the documents. The 9/11 commission said that they had copies of all documents and justice department confirmed it. So the report was not compromised.
Quote:ALBANY, N.Y. -- Gov. George Pataki on Thursday called the Justice Department probe of former national security adviser Sandy Berger "troubling," adding the case may have significantly impacted the Sept. 11 commission's final report.
"To find out that national security documents dealing with Sept. 11 were wrongfully removed, supposedly inadvertently, and then wrongfully destroyed, supposedly inadvertently, raises real questions as to what was in those documents and why they were removed," the Republican governor said.
Berger, who served in the Democratic Clinton administration, allegedly removed highly classified terrorism documents and handwritten notes from a secure reading room during preparations for the Sept. 11 commission hearings.
Pointing to Thursday's release of the Sept. 11 commission's report, Pataki said during a news conference at the state Capitol that "there may have been information that may have changed that report significantly."
This article seems to contradict the statement put out by the 9/11 commission saying that they had copies of the documents that berger took. However, either the 9/11 commission and justice department are lying when they say they have copies or the NY Governor either does not know what the 9/11 commission said or he chose to ignore it so that people would think that the report is compromised.
The motive behind certain people's desire to keep pushing this story is obvious. Clinton looks a
little better than Bush in the report in that he at least took the trouble to track and keep up with Bin Laden whereas Bush basically ignored him. If the republicans can knock that thought down then it is good for the Bush's reelection and bad for democrats.
I agree that berger should be charged and sentenced according to whatever the law allows.