NickFun wrote:He took all known copies? Even a fool knows enough to have back-up copies on disc. This means Bush and his pals are somewhat below fools!
It is NOT President Bush's job to monitor EVERY freaking Federal employee at every Federal agency.
The National Archives have a staff that is supposed to handle these things.
Stop blaming President Bush for everything that you feel goes wrong in this country.
"OH MY GOSH!! A tree fell in the forest! It must be a plot by the President to denude the forests!"
"Look, a man got hit by a car! Must be Bush's fault!"
"A former Clinton advisor stole classified material and hid them on his person to get them out of a secure facility and then 'misplaced or destroyed' some of those documents. MUST BE the Presidents fault.
Try taking some personal responsibility for a change... what Berger did was WRONG! No amount of bitching and whining about 'timing' or 'partisanship' changes the fact that he did something illegal and stole potentially valuable evidence and destroyed some.
Y'all DO know, if a normal person were to steal items and hide them about his person and walk out with those items without permission, it is called THEFT!