Mon 19 Jul, 2004 01:23 pm
I just had my wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago. When I asked my dentist what mouth rinse I should use, he said that I could use ANY non alcohol non peroxide mouth rinse. Because alcohol and peroxide can kill new cells trying to grow in that space.
What do you think is a good antigingivitis mouth rinse that you use that doesn't contain alcohol or peroxide?
I'm just fishing for ideas. I'm going to the store in a few hours and I'm just gonna buy anything that says antigingivitis and no alcohol.
I just had my two left wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago. As of now everythings fine. My dentist told me it'll take 4 months for the gum to fill in the space where my wisdom teeth were. He also said to NOT use any mouth rinse that contained alcohol and peroxide which can kill new cells trying to grow in that space.
So now I'm wondering, what mouth rinse should I use that's an Antiplaque/Antigingivitis that doesn't contain alcohol or peroxide that will clean and maybe help regrow gum where my wisdom teeth were?
Basically I'm looking for an Antiplaque/Antigingivitis that won't harm my gums. Anyone have any ideas?
i'm surprised he didn't give you that info...
My dentist did tell me. He said anything without alcohol and peroxide. I already said that, hehe.
I'm just fishing for ideas. Maybe theres one product better than the other.
I'd like to say thanks for posting "i have no idea" or "ask your dentist," but that's not much help. Hehe. Buuut I guess thanks anyways. Haha. =)
Hi Provoko -- Ouch. Glad you've got those wisdom teeth extracted and didn't suffer complications. Y'know, you don't HAVE to use mouthwash. ;)Did your dentist tell you that?
Your Doctor website -- Mouthwashes
You might want to call your dentist's office, but meanwhile, if you like to use a mouthwash, you could use warm salt water and not be too vigorous when sloshing it around.
Great google search. They're the same info on two different links, by the way. I also found a similar link a few days ago:
Now I've completed my collection of google links on mouth rinses. Hahaha. =)
Thanks Piffka for the info and link. My dentist told me the same thing, but I hate salt water, two weeks of it is enough.
Well I'm gonna make it easier for you guys, i'm altering my topic to: What do you think is a good antigingivitis mouth rinse that you use that doesn't contain alcohol or peroxide?
It's funny look at those three links side by side, haha.
Well, if you want to prevent gingivitis, then brush your teeth properly and floss regularly. Nobody recommends OTC mouth rinses except the manufacturers... so it is hard to give you a great answer since, in fact, there is no good antigingivitis mouth rinse.
Floss, baby. Floss.
Of course. I basically brush 2-3 times a day and floss once a day. I used to take Listerine mouthwash everyday too, but now that my dentist said that it contains alcohol which I can't use it, so I feel kinda naked without rinsing. Haha. What I mean is that I like rinsing. Also the more I do for my teeth the better.
Well I'm off to the store. I'm picking out anything without alcohol.
provoko wrote:My dentist did tell me. He said anything without alcohol and peroxide. I already said that, hehe.
I'm just fishing for ideas. Maybe theres one product better than the other.
I'd like to say thanks for posting "i have no idea" or "ask your dentist," but that's not much help. Hehe. Buuut I guess thanks anyways. Haha. =)
Ask any pharmacist over 40-50 years of age. The old timers all know this kind of stuff.
I was at Walgreens yesterday, and I saw several nonalcoholic mouthwash. I think one was named Tom.