Re: Well Now This Should Start A Nice Fight......
"Paranoia strikes deep, into you heart it will creep"
You would have us believe the bipartisan 9/11 Commission is actually an agent of "Bush Inc.," deliberately placing false accusations against Iran in a report which challenges the administrations suppositions about Iraq, just so "Bush Inc." can formulate an excuse to invade Iran?
Even if positive proof appeared that Iran was directly linked to 9/11 appeared on the front page of the NY Times, there are any number of daunting practical and political hurdles the Administration would have to clear before they could launch an invasion of Iran in less than 24 months. Of course, Bush has to be reelected four months from for consideration of an invasion to have any practical meaning.
It is a fair criticism of the Bush Administration that by justifying the invasion of Iraq with questionable intelligence which now has little to no chance of being borne out, it has raised the bar to an extreme height for the "proof" it would need to present to justify military action against a more direct and immediate threat (e.g. Iran or North Korea).
The "proof" laid out by the 9/11 Commission of ties between Iran and al-Qaida come nowhere near to crossing that highly placed bar.
I don't think there's a single Democrat in Congress who would support an invasion of Iran, and quite a few who would scream bloody murder about it.
A large number of Republicans would think long and hard before supporting such an invasion, and many would decide they could not.
There would likely be riotous demonstrations in the streets of San Francisco and Seattle, let alone London, Madrid and Islamabad.
A second Coalition of The Willing could not possibly be formed. Even England, Australia and Italy couldn't be expected to join in.
You might argue that the administration ignored a similar level of resistance in invading Iraq, but that would not be remotely true.
This is not to say that the rather paradoxical statement by the Telegraph is not true: "Hawks within the administration want a concerted effort to overturn the regime by peaceful means," but who, other than the Mullahs and other Middle Eastern despots have a problem with this?
It also doesn't mean that this statement (which interestingly is accompanied by virtually no substantiation) "Some Bush officials are privately contemplating a possible military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities before Russian fuel rods are delivered next year," is not true.
Neither, though, represent anything even close to a real suggestion that President Bush and his cabinet are contemplating an invasion of Iran.
This doesn't even begin to address the practical problems of mounting the military resources necessary to launch a full scale invasion of a country given that our current resources are stretched quite thin and any attempt to reinstate a draft would be met with stiff resistance.
I appreciate that you believe Bush is one or steps away from declaring Martial Law and sweeping away all of these hurdles with a wave of his dictatorial fist, but that too is a reflection of paranoia run wild.
Two years or so from now, assuming Bush is reelected, circumstances may allow a serious consideration of further military exploits, but until then it would take a direct attack on US soil with unambiguous and direct connections to a foreign nation.