Becca, it sure isn't you it's him.
3 months of 2 days a week, sometimes 1 equates to no more than 24 times seeing each other out of what, 352. Not long to develop a strong bond between two people, sexually absolutely.
He broke up with you, stating "it's not you it's me" classic line. Then however, he ensured that he slept with you that night.
Then "it's not you it's me" wasn't good enough anymore now it's " you handled things wrong messed up a good thing". What you felt you were in love? He just wanted sex on the weekends and that's it? You weren't playing the cool game, you wanted to feel that it was a proper relationship but he was in it for sex?
Don't ever let any one, put the blame on you! That's for their own ego and so they don't feed bad about what they have done, what they are doing, the blame game.
Sometimes we need to use our head, not our heart.
This guy wasn't looking for a relationship, simply put. He was just enjoying it for what it was and realised you want/ed more and is trying to put the blame on you (yet) still took that last little sleeping with you again.
Personally, you don't need closure from him, you need to never speak with him again, because I am betting if you do, he'll sneak in another bedroom romp and again try to put the blame on you as to why he can't have anything more with you.