Homeless 16 year old girl, what do we do?

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:29 am

I'm seeking urgent help.

Me and my partner live in a one bedroom small flat and have recently been having to put up his younger sister of 16, she is sleeping on the sofa and we can't afford the three of us we get no money towards her.

It started a week ago,

Their mother has always been difficult and we have had a lot of history with her. His sister Ayesha has been kicked out from living with her mother and was also beaten up by her her mother has changed the locks on the doors and is ignoring all of us only messaging us to threaten us. The father lives 40 minutes away and will not take Ayesha in either. The police have been involved but we're now stuck in the situation that Ayesha is basically a homeless teen.

We've tried contacting local councils and other places and so far they have been no help at all we have just been thrown back and forward to different agents in different companies.

Today we have been told it's going to be 2 weeks until they will even find a care agent to deal with the case.

As you can understand, we can't live like this, it's miserable for all of us and we have no money for all of us. I'm really stuck on what to do..
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:36 am
Can you wait the two weeks?

I am assuming that "care agent" is equivalent to what we call "social service worker", that is a government social worker who can help find needed services. This sounds like the right way to go, and 2 weeks is fairly quick for this sort of thing (at least where I live). It sounds like they are taking this case seriously.

Good luck.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:40 am
Since you're already paying rent (I presume) where you're living, the immediate additional cost to you is likely meals for 2 weeks.

Are there any food banks you can approach for assistance? church charities? talk to a local priest/minister/rabbi to see if they can offer any advice/assistance.

Keep track of any costs you've incurred so you can provide that information to the care agent.

Can I ask what companies you've approached about this - and why? it seems odd to contact companies about social service needs.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:42 am
We can't wait the 2 weeks if we have no help for his sister living here.
We don't earn enough, were really struggling.
His dad has refused to give us any kind of maintenance and his mom is still getting child support and support towards her house for Ayesha.
Thank you for your reply also.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:45 am
By companies I mean to "family connections" sorry I have no idea when it comes to this stuff. Me an my partner are 21 and have only just moved in to our flat, 3 weeks in this happens. It's all very stressful especially for Ayesha. We pay rent monthly, but there's also gas an electric on meter that is costing us more, meals an petrol to take her to her study's.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:47 am
there really shouldn't be much in the way of additional gas and electric costs

meals will have to be prepared at home to economize - perhaps Ayesha can take care of that for the two weeks

if she's in school right now - talk to the principal at the school about the situation - perhaps they can assist with transport
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 09:52 am
Ayesha gets no money so how could she handle that?
She's on term holiday but she's doing a charitable thing towards her studies and she's going in to college when she goes back.
Is there no one that can help the situation of maintenance from her father? And stop the fact her mother gets support for her daughter who is living with us.
The poor girl is having to sleep on the sofa. An the flat is tiny, were all in each others space.

I do appreciate your replies thank you.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 10:02 am
How do you and your partner currently feed yourselves?
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2015 11:11 am
we work, but we only earn enough for the bills and food for the both of us obviously.. Or I wouldn't have this problem.
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2015 06:52 am
My first impression, and apologies if it's wrong is this is a scam. Only posts of this OP is pleading for money? Uh ya.
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2015 10:26 am
Wow, why is everyone so hostile on this forum? I'm in a genuine situation seeking some advice. If I was trying to scam, I would of come up with a better idea then this. Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2015 10:40 am
Hopefully you will find a way to stretch the food money for two people to cover three.

I had to do it for 3 months once. I learned how to make a lot of food with 5lbs of potatoes, 5 lbs of carrots, 5 lbs of onions, a jar of relish and either a small piece of cheese or a very small amount of meat (this was our weekly shopping list - we sometimes got extra carrots).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2015 10:41 am
Minniex wrote:

Ayesha gets no money so how could she handle that?

she could cook the food with ingredients you have purchased for yourself and your partner
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2015 12:15 pm
Can you at least provide the area you live in, is it a large city, small town? Since the mother beat the minor, the mother should be reported to CPS or to the police. I know emergency assistance is available in dire circumstances, but I don't know where to point you because I don't even have a clear idea where you live. Three people can get by on the food normally consumed by 2 people. It' s far healthier than allowing the 16 year old to go without any food. She's still growing, your not, and I remember what it's like to fill up on ramen noodles and peanut butter between paychecks.

Life hasn't treated this young woman very well, you think you can't stretch the money you currently bring in??? You can, it takes some discipline, but it can be done.
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2019 06:48 pm
Tell them about help from religious or charity groups or locally travelling shelters. Also, tell them to call for rides to these so no accidents form walking near cars, like call aqquantences kr family (tell them to call them for help no matter where they are, so they help) maybe 911 or loft or things though 911 calls not for emergencies might be illegal. Also tell them about jobs from companies that give to anyone or jobs hat anyone can fill. Tell them about kind hearted companies and tell them about companies that have helped before anywheee , even if they’d re not charities to see if hey will help anywhere. Look this up if these exist near you and can be used before u drive so no accidents. Tell them this give them non money gifts like essentials and food. Thx
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jul, 2019 11:07 pm
You guys are heartless for giving this person such a hard time. It's nearly impossible to just "make things stretch" when you're already living paycheck to paycheck as they seem to be doing. Shame on you all.

Minniex, my advice is to ration out your food. Can you all each eat only breakfast and dinner so that your food lasts longer? Even if you can't do that, plan out your meals ahead of time so that you know exactly what you have, what you'll be using, and when it'll be gone. Also in the store, think: what can you buy for cheap that still makes a bunch and can be eaten as leftovers too? Soups and stews are good for this. Foods and pastas in boxes that you make just by boiling in water aren't the best for you but they'll fill you up. Bananas expand to twice their size in your stomach so they'll fill you up too. Bread can be eaten by itself if you're desperate.

See if there's any soup kitchens or food lines near you. Churches will also sometimes have things like this - if not, they might know of a different church or organization that does. It doesn't hurt to ask. Good luck, I hope you are all okay.
Reply Fri 5 Jul, 2019 12:16 am
Heartless, maybe, but at least they knew the post was in 2015.
Reply Fri 5 Jul, 2019 06:53 am
Ahhhhhhhh, Eagle eyes strikes again. Hello Roger 🍪 care for a nice cookie?
Reply Fri 5 Jul, 2019 03:58 pm
Is the cookie from 2015? I sure hope so!
Reply Fri 5 Jul, 2019 04:01 pm
Eek, of course they are fresh. 🍪 I made one for you as well.

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