Rick d'Israeli wrote:Redheat wrote:Most amazing thing about it is they will then go onto inform you of how much of a Patriot they are and believer in America.
What I find interesting is that when I discuss the Iraq situation with friends (which all tend to be more right-winged), they never use an argument like 'it's you're patriotic duty to agree with us (and support this war)'. Is this an American thing to do?
Yes, can't you see it in here? When you speak out against Bush and the war you are called a "Saddam lover", "traitor", "unamerican", and my all time favorite " you don't support the troops".
Even our own Prez and VP have resorted to implying anyone who goes against their policies are weak on National Security translation "traitors" They questioned the Patriotism of Senators among them any who served this country.
It's the new Republican way, you smear anyone who disagrees with you. You don't discuss issues with actual proof or even attempt to present your side with some facts, instead you engage in smear, insults and trantrums.
We have to thank people like Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, Falwell, Robertson, Delay, Lott, Hassert, and many many more for their building of the new America. Win at any cost, the ends always justifies the means and when you can't cover your ass or talk issues insult, insult, and insult. Oh and the one that's brought them the most success. "Keep lying until people think it's the truth" What's that famous line, "Lie enough and people will start to believe it's truth" Well no party has illustrated that so well as the Republians and Bush has taken it to new heights.