Thu 15 Jul, 2004 07:45 am
well, the NYP said also that Gephard will be the running mate of Kerry....
True, the NYP isn't the best source, but that makes Cheney no less right.
Man, you just don't get it! We didn't go to war because of WMD! We went to war because
Saddam killed his own people! It was strictly for humanitarian reasons!
Contentious bunch.
(Curtesy of photoshop contests)
Re: Dick Cheney was right!
McGentrix wrote:TODAY'S big story: Dick Cheney was right!
That would be a big story.
McGentrix wrote:Contentious bunch.
That has to be the best one!
You know as well as I do that the left on here will never admit that any member of the administration was right.
Even though two seperate investigations,in two different countries reached the same conclusions,the left will say that is still a lie.
There is no way thte left can admit the truth,because it will destroy their whole argument,and will force them to admit that we did the right thing.
And you know as well as I do that the left does not believe this admin EVER does anything right.
The left thinks saddam hussain was the good guy! LOL.
Karzak wrote:The left thinks saddam hussain was the good guy! LOL.
(FYI, no one thinks Saddam was the "good guy".)
Quote:(FYI, no one thinks Saddam was the "good guy".)
Trolls like Karzak delight in implying it, however. Remember, their purpose is not logical discourse, but merely to sow discord....
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:(FYI, no one thinks Saddam was the "good guy".)
Trolls like Karzak delight in implying it, however. Remember, their purpose is not logical discourse, but merely to sow discord....
To a lib like cyclo, anyone who doesn't toe the line with the left is a "troll" and daring to post an opinion that isn't his is to "sow discord"!
Sorry cyclo, but this is a mixed board, perhaps you belong on a liberal only board where only people who agree with each other are allowed to post their opinions.
Well, you see, Karzak, we were having a jolly old time debating the modern-day politics, with a critical eye bent towards evidenence supporting one's arguments and an attitude of at least acceptance of another's views (if not agreement) provided that they can logically back up their arguments.
Then, troll, you show up (as I am sure periodically happens here on A2K) and proceed to kill thread after thread with your arrogant tone and lack of factual evidence to support your ideas.
McG doesn't support my ideas, nor I his, but you don't see me calling him a troll... because he doesn't do the same stupid sh*t as you.
But of course, this post will serve only to feed you further, so I'll stop writing. Enjoy yourself, Troll.
Bush LIED because he knew the nuclear/nigeria information was BOGUS. He lied because he kept tying 9.11 to Saddam He lied when he said Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in. He lied when he claimed Saddam wasn't complying. So Bush and Blair DID lie although I'll grant you Blair tried a bit harder to hold onto some shred of dignity.
does not anyone find it odd, strange and/or ironic that the TWO MOST POWERFUL nations in the world! BOTH had such bad intel? about the same damn thing? BOTH had intel that lead us into a war?
Each country having some of the most sophisticated technolgy in the world and they both f***ed up?
Even more puzzling is the fact that Bush say's were safer? We are? We know our CIA is inept and we're safer? Nobody's been fired have they? We just found out how inept they were so nothing's changed. So what exactly makes us safer? I won't even get into the fact that a report just done shows us NOT SAFER.
There another Bush LIE.
I think what we should ask ourselves is when has Bush NOT lied?
Point is, Karzak: the Left doesn't see Saddam Hussain as a 'good guy'. End of discussion.
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Point is, Karzak: the Left doesn't see Saddam Hussain as a 'good guy'. End of discussion.
You know you would think that there would be no need to clarify that.
Yet everyday some moron or moran as the righties like to say, states this based on the fact that someone doesn't agree with them. Most amazing thing about it is they will then go onto inform you of how much of a Patriot they are and believer in America. Funny part is that dissent is the very basis of our Democracy.
Then the right wing wonders why they all appear crazy to the rest of the world.
Redheat wrote:Most amazing thing about it is they will then go onto inform you of how much of a Patriot they are and believer in America.
What I find interesting is that when I discuss the Iraq situation with friends (which all tend to be more right-winged), they never use an argument like 'it's you're patriotic duty to agree with us (and support this war)'. Is this an American thing to do?
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Point is, Karzak: the Left doesn't see Saddam Hussain as a 'good guy'.
Then why do they constantly imply saddam should still be in power?
Redheat wrote:Bush LIED because he knew the nuclear/nigeria information was BOGUS.
when you say stuff like that you just sound crazy to the rest of the world!