A more objectvie historical perspective, please!
Asherman wrote: If the Palestinians spent more on building their infrastructure, economy and developing the assets at hand instead of a futile effort to exterminate Jews, things might get better.
Really Mr. Asherman, ever since the death of Rabin (by the hands of a Jewish Israeli), Israel has systematically obstructed the development of the Palestinian territories, and what's more, under the guise of "fighting terrorism", a popular excuse for breaking international law these days, they have been destroying the means of a future Palestinian state to support themselves, burning citrus orchards, destroying infrastructure and housing, closing borders to imports AND occupying and annexing Palestinian land. Everything to make the Palestinians totally economically dependent on Israel. The Palestinian police has been attacked by Israel time and again and is subsequently accused of not being effective against the terrorists (created by Israel).
I would like to remind you that the legality of the state of Israel is shaky at the very least and that Israel has ignored UN and international law ever since its conception. I also find it a bad sign that Israeli's have been in the habit of voting terrorists and war criminals into power (Begin, Shamir, Sharon), in that sense they are no better than the Palestinians.
How would you react if a bunch of armed native Americans came knocking on your door and tell you to get packing, because you are living on land that belonged to their forefathers 200 years ago. Their Great Spirit has given the land to them, so you are just a squatter. And if you require proof they will point to the history books. Would you agree to move quietly back to Europe where your ancestors came from?
Note that in the case of Israel the time lapse is not 200 but some 2000 years!
2000 years ago Great Britain was inhabted by Celtic tribes and the Angles and Saxons were still linving in Scandinavia. The vikings, who became the Normans had yet to become a people. If we followed Israels reasoning, the Irish and other Gaelic speaking peoples could tell everybody with an Anglo Saxon or Norman name to evacuate the British Isles, because history teaches that they once belonged to their ancestors, etc. Where would you end up Mr Asherman?
Palestinians were forced off their land under threat of lethal violence, by the (incumbent) state of Israel, which has ever since denied the right of these refugees to return. Paletinians remaining in Israel have been treated as second class citizens. Palestinians in the occupied terrirtories are used as cheap labour. The Palestinians are denied the right to form their own destiny; they have no state, no army with heavy weapons or an air force with which to defend themselves against daily incursions of the Israeli army on their territory. The Palestinian police is under constant atack and denied the means to act against Israeli citizens occupying more and more Palestinian land. The elected president of the Palestinians is denied freedom of movement, by Israel. Israel is walling in more Palestinian territory (de facto annexation) in the name of fighting terrorism, etc. etc.
And you talk about the Palestinians focusing on building up their country.