McGentrix wrote:
You say this and then have the
nerve to say
Quote:Can you try again? That kind of sucked.
Impressive bit of shenanigans.
McG... when it comes to raggin' on someone, the cardinal rule is you never use the same insult that was tossed at you. You gotta be creative! Since this thread is already a disaster, going nowhere fast, and I have a little time before my next project in work, I'll elaborate.
Person one: "Seriously, you on meds or something?"
Person two: "Do YOU need meds YOU are not getting??"
Come on. That SUCKED! Where's the creativity? Where's the originality? Where's the subtle humor? Here's a better go at it:
Person one: "Seriously, you on meds or something?"
Person two: "Yeah...those meds that stop the headaches I get from dealing with assh*les such as yourself. I feel fine, so please continue".
"Only the ones that make it easier to bang your sister without retching"
I can come up with a few more, but why should I have all the fun? Please... Toss in a few gems of your own, its cathartic!