Sofia, then in that case I too can use wordplay to distort the political reality.
Condoms are abstinence, as in "abstain from sex without condoms".
C'mon, a little honesty here! In this political debate these words have meaning and to change them like that is the
fallacy of equivcation.
I will grant that the B is related but it's not the same.
A = religious fundamentalists, don't make whoopie before we bless you in church my child
B = middle ground, promiscuity is fought both by right and by left, both by religious fundamentalists and lefty social workers.
C = a moral affront to some of the fundies, and a false sense of security for the lefties, a "silver bullet"
Sofia, you and me have similar positions ourselves (not that we should grab a C and do it in the.. nemind, wrong letters) and ultimately we agree on many of these issues.
I grew up in a religion where A, B and the C were all frowned on severely. If you got AIDS they just kicked you out of the group. In the AIDS scare a member contracted it and was booted. The group curbed the anti-B stuff outside of the group but kept it up within.
The B was fought, heck they indoctrinated against the B, making schedules where adults were pressured to swing.
The A was fought and children were put on the schedule.
The C, together with all the rest, was demonized as ungodly.
The results are catastrophic, a bunch of brainwashed teenage mothers whose only skills when they got out were sexual and ended up as call girls and strippers trying to geta foothold in the real world. Lots of them never got that foothold and a healthy dose of A was something I fought hard for with the people I cared about even when they were adopting the C to start to mitigate against the dangers they were waking up to.
I am a big fan of the A because of this. Abstinence would have saved a whole lot of ruined lives around me.
It sickens me that religious beliefs were used to fight the sanity of ABC with my brothers sisters and childhood friends and many of them (unfortunately mainly the girls, as biology is wicked) will suffer for their entire lives as a result.
I've preached A to the kids I grew up with stridently. I've told more than a few these exact words: "Zip up your vagina, it will be your downfall if you don't wise up".
I'm a big fan of A. AIDS isn't the only issue Sofia, promiscuity has ruined the lives of many I know without any STDs being involved and the lack of a well timed A was the downfall of more people I grew up with than I care to remember.
I reject the religious attempts to fight C in the real world just as I reject the religion fighting A, B and C in the crazy one I came from.
And while I know that in your heart you are in the right place and don't let your religion get in the way of the C that some people need to survive there are strong religious forces that are.
And this is why I oppose what I see as prevarication against the C.
The C is powerful, ABC is even more powerful but we need to recognize reality.
We aren't in a conflict between ABC vs. C. We are in a conflict between A and C and B is the middle ground.
I reject the idiots who blindly insist on C. And I reject the idiots who blindly insist on A.
You are neither, you are an ABC, but if you give A more credit than it deserves (IMO motivated more by playing Devil's advocate to the "only C" idiots than the religion) you are strengthening the cause of the "only A" idiots.
Just look at the entities you ended up being aligned with, I do not point this out as guilt by association but rather to say that if you pull too hard to the A, you end up with bedfellows that aren't yours just because of the issue's polarization.
So when you claim that Abstinence turned the tide in Uganda, toss in a good word for B and C. Because you are ABC, and not one of the "A only" quacks.
That was my objection S.