Sat 8 Aug, 2015 12:47 am
Hey everybody.
This situation has been bothering me for quite a few days and I would like your opinion on it.
Some few days ago, I couldn't sleep a all, it was way to hot.
I finally fell asleep, without thinking about anyone or anything.
While I am asleep, I have this fantastic dream.
I fell in love with a girl that I haven't seen in years and we had a great time. In the dream, in love became love and we trusted each other like no one else.
When I woke up, I still had the feeling of being in love, and the feeling hasn't quite disappeared since.
So, when I woke up, I was a sad that I'd probably never see this girl again, because our ways parted so long ago.
So I decided to look her up on Facebook, to see if she changed anything at all. I was scrolling through the foto's and smiling until I saw a particular photo and my heart stopped (not literally, but you know what I mean).
The photo was of a group that she was in. But I was going to join this group in a month anyway, without knowing she was part of it. The feeling that my heart had stopped continued until I realized that I was about to meet her again in a month!!
Now, bear in mind that when I knew her, I didn't have feelings for her whatsoever.
Is it possible that I fell in love in my dream and reality?
Greetings, a confused guy.
PS: I'm so excited now that I know that I'm going to meet her. I know, by then the feeling could be good lone time, but what if it isn't? Should I pursue the feelings that I have for her? After a while of course, she isn't gone fall in love she hasn't seen in years after all.
Whoa, time out there!
You are not in love, ferchrissakes.
You had a nice dream about someone you knew. It was a positive dream. That's lovely. Now you are going to see the person (maybe; there are no guarantees whatsoever) in a group setting.
Don't be ridiculous. Don't be telling her that you and she are meant to be because you had a dream.
I dreamt I could fly the other day. I have not yet sprouted wings, no matter how real and lovely it seemed.
Get back down to earth, Romeo, and if you want to approach her and ask her out, then do so, but because of how you feel while awake, and how receptive she seems, not because of how your subconscious fired some neurons while you were asleep.
I know, I was just a bit confused. It was just a dream, although a very lovely one. I wish I'd dream more often like that.