So you lie down still for 20 mins and you go into a lucid dream? Wrong. It's super hard, but it's supposed to enrich your brain and help you control
your dreams.
Well, I'm a girl and my breast rises when I breathe. My house is creaky and I sleep with a medium level noise air filter in my room. Is this why I can't seem to enter a lucid dream? Please help by answering my questions below!
1) Does your chest/stomach moving while you breathe affect entering the lucid dream state (LDS) ? Can you move even a little without messing up the process.
2) Can you lay on your side to do this, or must you lay on your back?
3) I've heard your first experience in the LDS is horrifying and scary, or just plain weird. Is there any way to automatically stop the process in the middle?
4) Is it true that you really can't move at all?
5) When in LDS, does your dream occur where you are (if you sleep in your bedroom, will your dream's setting be your bedroom?)
6) I sleep with an air filter, and my hallway's a bit creaky. Do you have to be in complete silence to enter LDS.
7) Can a regular dream turn into a lucid dream?