wasn't it something like Lake Placid?
someone got in before me... the only funny part in the holy grail are the French.
I'm afraid I'm with you...skits are good...movies from skits...NOT
SNL has proved this over and over...
ohhh yes...
Although last time I actually watched SNL it had Eddie Murphy on it... that's how long ago I watched it. (Not old, it was probably a re-run or something, considering I am not an American)
Camelot - the musical w/ Richard Harris (although he was OK)
Camelot - the most recent non-musical with Richard Gere (he was not OK)
King Arthur - just out, can't remember a soul in it.
Excalibur - also can't remember a soul in it.
Merlin - the made for TeeVee movie version - lot's of good folk with long boring scenes and insipid lines.
And just to break the above pattern: Ishtar (I think w/ Warren Beatty)
Ishtar with Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman goes way beyond 'most boring.' It was the bomb of the century and died a quick, merciful death at the box office.
Punch Drunk Love
That Adam Sandler Movie. It was so terrible I couldn't watch it all!!!
Half Past Dead
With Steven Segal and Ja Rule; Need I explain more?
Welcome to A2K, shyone. I've always wondered how someone could pass judgement on a movie they haven't seen. You should try and finish "Punch Drunk Love" -- it is worthwhile.
The Segal movie -- he's only made one good action flick so his pony died.
Anything with Steven Segal is going to numb the brain.
Lightwizard, what is Segal's "one good action flick"? I am dying to know
Merry Andrew wrote:Ishtar with Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman goes way beyond 'most boring.' It was the bomb of the century and died a quick, merciful death at the box office.
I agree that
Ishtar was very boring, but I still gotta go with
Yentl, if for no other reason than it adds a half an hour to the miserable experience.
are you sure, Lightwizard, that that is the best Steven Segal? I still managed to fall asleep...
You fell asleep during "Under Seige?" You weren't sampling the local brew were you?
nope... I recall I was tired and the conditions were a bit uncomfortable. I recall seeing an explosion and waking to an explosion... roll end credits.
You've just described every villain/hero action flick but Segal was at least believable in that role. How he squandered that momentum has to have a story but, now, that is boring.
It was a formula terrorist thwarted by another "die hard" hero but with Gary Busey's deliciously wicked villain and some nice touches like the improvised bomb in the microwave, I enjoyed it and was never bored. I suppose if I was prone to falling asleep in theaters or tired and tried to watch it on a small TV screen I might not have been entertained. It's almost worth seeing just for Busey's outrageous drag.
A Perfect World (1993) - starred Kevin Costner and Clint Eastwood. As far as I'm concerned the best part of the film happens when the sherrif's deputy tries to turn the patrol car around in a hurry forgetting that there is a caravan attached to it. Clint stays behind to raid the fridge on board and remarks 'I love Tater-Tops' or something along that line. The rest of the film is devoted to waiting for Kevin to be shot - to the cheers of thousands.
what about 2046?
I could get blasted for this one. It was beautifully shot and all that... damn! I was so bored.