Wed 5 Aug, 2015 09:36 am
If I don't move my left hand every so often or if I have it above my heart for a long period of time (like when I ride my bike) I have to dangle my arm down for about a minute and I feel the blood coming back into my hand, and numbness goes away. Or if I'm reading in bed, I feel the same numbness. I'm 35, I use to use use needles for drug use (78 days sober) so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it or what?
Please spare the lecture on not to use drugs I'm well aware of it I'm just looking for direct answers to my question.
If it were me this was happening to, I'd ask my Physician ASAP for a referral to a Neurologist. You may have some incurred nerve damage. Hopefully, it's recoverable ..maybe with time or maybe with treatment. this first order of business is nerve tests being done.
Regardless, your answer will come by seeing a Neurologist...not from strangers and laymen on Internet forums.
Pj, I have the very same sort of numbing, esp in bed. I find it goes away if I turn my fingers up. Doubt if caused by drug use, unless you include moderate doses of alky
Does it happen when you keep your elbow bent? (Sounds like it from bike riding or reading. Try doing sit-ups.) It is likely a nerve that is being pinched going through a joint. Look up
ulnar neuropathy for an example.
Thanks Ragman, I'm going to do that tomorrow.
Thanks, I'm going to a doc now as of tomorrow
The most common cause for numbness like that is pressure from blood vessels directly onto a nerve . If it was bone pressing on nerves it would be quite painful . Try stretching your arms backwards out horizontal at shoulder height . Rotate your elbow and wrist to make the stretch more pronounced . It sounds like you have scarring to the veins from the syringes as well as poor circulation and this thickening of the vein is pushing on a nerve . Stretching will alleviate the pressure on the nerve and help restore the vein to its proper diameter, but there is no real cure apart from time, stretching and exercise . Sometimes 'heat' ointments help .
I have this slightly.
I've read up online, this and that advice.
I've been tested for carpal tunnel, a no.
My stuff, that got me to go to the orthopedist:
my fingers hurting.
followed by my clinic doc and people on a2k saying, arthritis.
But I sort of know arthritis, having run a clinic lab for that a long time ago, and I didn't think it fit. My bones didn't hurt, it felt like tendons awry. Which is why I went to see the ortho and his saying no, not carpal tunnel, but that I did have muscle wasting.
Later I got a sort of giant ganglion, which I've had before, this time not going away. Then I read something online about ganglion cysts and tener muscle wasting that set me on edge - a kind of carpal tunnel that it was too late if this showed up, re some website.
The good news is that all these symptoms are showing less for the last year or two.
My fingers tingle once in a while. Look it up, this happens. Not good, but read up.
I'm a person who was always drawing, drafting, or painting. I'm still glad to be able to use my hands.
As an added thought, the main nerve runs beneath the vein used for injections . If you had damaged that, you have major problems . Go to a doctor .