Something which I find very interesting is always puzzling, and vice-versa.
Seriously, if one can understand enough of a problem (in this case an infinite-eternal Universe versus a finite temporal one) to understand that it may be a problem that perhaps can be solved definitively but at best have only an inkling of how it may be solved then it becomes interesting
True of Universes and intelligent women
IMO natch
My problem in which red-shift acts as an absolute limit seems to stem from the dual nature of light. It seems to be transmitted as a wave but percieved as a particle (photon).
If it was transmitted as a particle the State Police would have to go back to a "radar gun" as the "doppler guns" which they are now using as speed sensers depend on sensing the differences between the emitted wave length and the recieved (observed) wave length.
If it was percieved as a wave then our telescopes and microscopes wouldn't work. (And a Mechanist has to make things work or he is not happy; or well fed)
This has been a little "tongue in cheek" comment but I am fairly sure that the increase and decrease in wave length under the influence of gravity and time has been theorized and shown to occur. Einstein, DeSiter, and the Harvard Tower experiment, along with the techies involved with Voyager and the Saturn probe.
BUT as Terry once pointed out to me, essentially the wave length of light also varies with "the speed of time". (Incidentally Terry I independently corroborated that.) I am a suspicious old man
, Sorry
She kept me awake several nights puzzling over that, which is much more than can be said for Farah Fawcett or J.Lo.
Interesting- yep; Puzzling- certainly
Asherman and G_day particularly. Everytime I try to make this Universe work as a mechanical device I come smack dab up against an infinity unless it is defined in such a way as to make it finite. That's easily done but IMO not necessarily valid. The concept of sin for instance may easily be defined by a priest or imam but it is not necessarily valid for a social worker or economist. I expect this Universe to work for everybody here. Obviously not an impossibility but I don't KNOW that yet :wink:
I just spent two days playing with the sailboat
at Deep Creek Lake, Md U.S. I find the vagaries of wind and angles interesting also
Have a good evening, M
Wow, everybody is here tonite. My post is practically obsolete already