Gold Barz wrote:hey nipok, do YOU think that the fate of the universe is cyclic?
Yes and No. Yes it is, but not in the customary way you picture it.
You use the word THE with a lower case universe. If you read my posts, these 2 words don't mix in lower case. You can have our universe, lowercase or the Universe uppercase but the universe lowercase does not make sense to me. IE, there is OUR STC (space time continuum) as created by OUR big bang. This would be what I call the lower case universe. I don't like using the word universe and prefer STC or POST (pocket of space time). Then there is Universe with a capital U. That goes along with the word "the" as in the Universe, all there is, all there was, and all there will or can ever be.
So you asked is the universe cyclic.
The Universe is an infinite number and infinite progression of cycles.
Our universe is one of an infinite number of cycles inside of an infinite progression of cycles. BUT that does not mean that entropy will decide the fate of our universe. It may, but I don't think we have enough data to analyze yet to determine what may happen. As a whole, our POST should maintain some cohesiveness due primarily to gravity. The rate of expansion should slow down as the center of gravity of our POST will attempt to exert itself on the outermost edges and everything in between. Does that mean that at some point our POST will begin to fall back on itself and merge mass back into a point singularity so it can provide the mass for another big bang? I don't known (nobody knows) but I don't think so. I think there are other forces at play besides just the center of gravity of our POST. I think our POST has an axis and rotates thus centrifugal and centripetal forces may very well come into play. (yes I know, very theoretical and even harder to prove then our POST Velocity so I am not going to argue or entertain discussion of our POST Axis. (maybe its there, maybe it isn't)
BUT nothing above really explains what I feel is the cyclical nature of The Universe and our universe.
I don't feel our point singularity was a point. I feel our big bang was caused when two masses collided at speeds that we are unable to comprehend. I feel that probability would dictate that our POST will not exist for an infinite period of time but will eventually crash into another POST and most matter inside our known universe will be smashed into smaller and smaller pieces and left to physical laws to regroup and new galaxies will form. But I am a very small minority. Most people don't think this makes any sense at, at least not yet