I'm simply going to post what I thought about last time, without rereading any of my preliminary conclusions, so if you don't like what I say, too bad. Address me and correct me if you will.
all is "polarity";
'something is defined by 'nothing'!
(off, on)(0,1)
I've always agreed. But lately I've been thinking 0 exists because of -1 + +1. Something is not defined by nothing, nothing is defined by something and it's opposite. This seems like a slightly different approach, seemingly saying the same thing. Yet I feel it is (perhaps very) different. Nevertheless, this all remains dualistic, something which I like to question too. JLN's opinion that it's neither finite nor infinite appeals me greatly. It could make sense, and be true. True above our understanding and would prove that our categorization is inherently too subjective to be objectively true. I like that. But in this case, the other case is no longer valid. It's not-valid and it's not in-valid. But such a statement would exclude the earlier dualistic statement, would it not? Therefor, you ARE wrong. (I end with this so that you would reply and show me the error in my reasoning)
"Or X + (infinity - 1) mass; but not infinity + X mass! Laughing"
Infinity + X = Infinity is it not?
You can get near the speed of light in either directions, but you can't cross it because you can't travel at the exact speed at any given 'time'. That's how I understand GR. BUT if you look at something as simple as the doppler formula, you'll see that when you divide by zero you have an impossibility too. In real life we see the sound barrier being broken. Something which we could only figure out by experiment and testing(no?). So maybe one day we'll do the same with light. Seems impossible, but so did going to the moon, or breaking the sound barrier.
As you say: so there for as per Mr. Einstein nothing in the universe can travel faster than light (and still be in our universe Wink ).
So you do know you 'could' go faster then light without breaking the premise for GR & SR(?) -I just had to straighten that out, even if it was just for myself
-, the implications are unknown to me though.
"What is actually being said is that we cannot observe anything that is exceeding the speed at which light propagates."
That's a good conclusion, which would help the point of view that there is no reality, merely observation. Or the act of observing without agents(as the buddhists on this forum would say).
"Explain to me what the square root of negative four is and then maybe either of us could be in a position to explain what happens to matter when it passes the speed of light."
2i, moving on.
You bring up getting around the problem. Quantum mechanics above all 'science' proves that it's just the way you look at it(hmm, on closer analyses, perhaps you could say the same about GR & SR). Particles, waves. It's not one, it's not the other, it's not both, it's not neither. It's how you look at it. Around it? Perhaps, I wouldn't name it through the science either. Sorry for the grammar use, but I believe I can make my point without exerting myself anymore today