McGentrix wrote:
Would you say that, more or less, Israeli attacks are retallitory and reactionary?
My position is that they are often aimed at inciting. Sometimes acarefully timed assasination will be used to remove pressure on Israel (for example, Sharon once demanded a period of "calm" before he went to the table to discuss peace. Arafat set a precedent by calling for an end to the attacks. The extremist groups accepted a cease fire. Israel's response after the period of calm started growing was an assasination that pissed off the Pals and ended the calm and the subsequent pressure on Israel to talk peace).
It is true that Israel often attacks subsequently to Palestinian attacks, but I do not think it is accurate to describe Israel's MO as always reactionary.
Israel has set definitive legal precedents in the realm of proaction and not reaction.
Quote:Would you agree that if the Palestinians stopped attacking Israeli's that the IDF would stop attacking terrorists and causing so much strife?
Yes, but not because Israel is so good and care so much about the morals but rather because they have an inkling of how to do PR, something the Palestinians wouldn't know about if it bit them in the ass.
Israel, in the past, might have timed an assasination to stir up the pot if the bombings subsided.
This is because (IMO) an element of Israel opposes any and all peace (the religious right in Israel has rejected every single peace plan by any party and insists the conflict continue until greater Israel is realized).
For the Israelis who are willing to put up with the conflict as long as Israel can grow (and throughout the conflict it has grown) oppose peace and actively work to keep the conflict going.
Sharon, in his waning years wants a legacy (IMO) of solving this conflict.
He has stood down his zealots and told them that Palestine is a
fait accompli.
The greater Israel zealots want the conflict to continue to keep the dream of greater Israel alive. They are a very vocal minority.
The Israeli majority is less interested in their Biblical dream and their penchant for being a millstone about the neck of Israel but because of the way the polictics are structured and the zeal they demonstrate they have frequently gotten their way.
So, to nuance your simple question:
Sometimes Israel acts with the sane majority, other times they succumb to their zealous settlers and their expantionist dreams.
Sometimes Israel's actions are about security, sometimes (many times) about simple revenge (though for psycological reasons many claim this is related to security).
Sometimes Israel's actions work toward the peace process, sometimes against it and toward greater Israel.
The conflict within Israel is almost as acute as between the Israelis and Palestinians.