Lightwizard wrote:I suppose that goes for the mental picture of their parents having sex.
Oh great! Now I have
that image in my head. Thanks a lot,
Well, I guess it's back to therapy for me.
littlek wrote:Am I so isolated in liberal MA that I am delusional in thinking that people like this are completely nuts?
Is that a trick question?
D'Art, glad to hear I'm not the only one to think that way.
I'm sorry, Joe! Erase. Erase. Erase.
I'm trying to figure out when Pennsylvania became so conservative that an idiot like Santorum was elected Senator. I hope whoever runs against him next time refers to his quote (and many others) in the campaign.
Home security, indeed!
Karzak wrote:It would be smart to have an amendment that intead of outlawing perverted marriages, simply says the states do have authority to define marriage within their state, and also give states the authority not to recognize marriges from another state.
If pervert marriages are outlawed, then only outlaw perverts will ... no, wait a minute ... if outlaw perverts are married, then only ... no, that doesn't work ... if married outlaws are perverted, then ...
Damn, I had it just a second ago.
Can you come back to me?
In a perfect world, every child would have a loving mother and a loving father. But, since when is this world perfect? The truth is that heterosexual couples very often abuse and abandon their children. The truth is that children born to heterosexual couples are frequently not given the encouragement they need to succeed in school and socially. Having heterosexual parents is no guarantee to a loving, stable childhood.
Despite righty whining to the contrary, homosexuality is not a choice. It is what they are. Nobody makes people gay. And while gay sex may cause some to cringe, it is normal for them. Social miscreants on the right would love to believe that people choose to be gay, yet, I do not remember a defining moment in which I chose to be straight. Is it somehow different for gays. According to modern science, it is not. Righties yearn for a sociological statement of abnormality for homosexuals, but they are unlikely to get one. All the recent studies show that gays are born that way, a small but significant part of the population. Alas, it is not a perfect world, especially in rightville where they attempt to formulate science to fit their pre-conceived notions. They want their ideology to be supported by evidence, regardless of how bogus it may be.
If you are among those who hate homosexuality and gays, explain one thing to me. How does the gay couple who lives across town have any impact on your own marriage. All the anti-gay idealogues claim gay marriage will destroy heterosexual marriage. Will someone step up to the plate and tell me how that happens.
They lost and they are going to keep trying! They already are very trying. This puts the kabosh on Bush's little trivia game for now. He can like others go against all the psychatric professionals in the world who do not classify homosexuality as a perversion or deviation -- it's part of the social norm. Many religious leaders are dealing with it in a rational manner. But too many of the religious right believe all sex is a perversion. We have so many of the sinless on this forum it's scary.
D'Art, again we were thinking the same way. I didn't think PA was all that conservative. I guess it must have it's pockets....?
Sagamore, well said. Welcome to the forum. I still haven't gotten a very good answer to your query.
At least it didn't pass today, although I seriously doubted it would have in the first place.
even those who brought it to the congress floor didn't think it was going to pass today.
The important thing is it wasn't even close. It's getting increasingly difficult for politicians to fool anyone. Bush has to go back to repeating and repeating that the American people are safer because of Iraq. Anyone really believe that? Should be the same people who were dumb enough to believe this would pass.
Christo-fascists hate the sin but love the sinner, right? So why not encourage gay marriage as marriage certainly would reduce the amount of sinning (sex) that goes on between the couples. (Assuming the gay couples follow the hetero pattern.)
Lightwizard wrote:The important thing is it wasn't even close. It's getting increasingly difficult for politicians to fool anyone. Bush has to go back to repeating and repeating that the American people are safer because of Iraq. Anyone really believe that? Should be the same people who were dumb enough to believe this would pass.
Too bad for Bush, people are now starting to pay attention. Crap like this will no longer fly.
Bush doesn't care -- he's too busy now trying to figure out how to dumb Cheney which has become his albatross. Cheney can get a second opinion about his health and "gracefully" bow out. He and George Tenet can then start dating.