Quote:Redheat is just saying that these issues are not ones that are designed to 'swing' voters - a lot of people feel very strongly about it one way or the other, and those people probably aren't going to change that feeling between now and the election.
I also think that Redheat is saying that the current admin would rather focus on these issues than the much more troubling ones where they were, yaknow, suspected of misleading the country.
Many independents according to exit polls in 2000 voted on "guns" and the "tax cut". They were lead to believe that Democrats were advocating banning guns which was competely false.
Now we have Gay Marriage, which will ultimately be decided in the USSC and if any judge is worth their merit they will not be able to support laws that allow disrimination.
This entire premise that the world will cease to exist or that marriages will end all over the world because gay's are allowed to say " I do" is about as asinine as it gets. You don't have to agree, I don't agree with letting ignorant redneck bigots marry and reproduce but do I have the right to refuse them marriage?
While most Americans support not allowing Gay "Marriage" they do support Civil Unions which IMO should be offered to anyone. They also don't support an amendement bannning it. It took a lot of time for Americans to get used to interacial marriages but it happened. Gay marriage will happen too. So let's focus on the important stuff like what got us into Iraq, what's been done to secure us, the economy, and what exactly has been accomplished in the 3.5 years Bush has been in office.