Frank you know more that is good for you. Those guys in very dark suits will be heading out of DC and driving right thru that front door of yours.
Frank you know more that is good for you. Those guys in very dark suits will be heading out of DC and driving right thru that front door of yours.
Frank you know more that is good for you. Those guys in very dark suits will be heading out of DC and driving right thru that front door of yours.
Gotta give a buddy, Vince, credit for the list. He emailed it to me today -- and I remembered this thread.
Ahhh...a perfect fit.
better than gloves in a blizzard
Boy, the echo is really getting bad on A2K.

speak up CI, can't hear you
I think they've got the triple posting nonsense cleared up. Craven posted in a new thread I started asking about the problem.
I think they've got the triple posting nonsense cleared up. Craven posted in a new thread I started asking about the problem.
I think they've got the triple posting nonsense cleared up. Craven posted in a new thread I started asking about the problem.
Jeez, some people will do anything for a chuckle.
Back when I was a lad... there was a game we used to play in the back of the school auditorium...
One guy says to another in a quiet whisper 'chicken'...
The next guy has to say 'Chicken' just a little bit louder...
The next guy has to say 'CHicken' just a little bit louder...
repeat untill yelled at.
This thread is getting WEIRD!
She can tell because she's posting in it.
....ahhhhh, a sort of pronouncement, a grand entrance, as "this party can start now," only, you know, weird...
damn talking animals. why don't you all just leave the damn chicken alone? why she crossed the road is her own goddamn business.
The chicken crossed the road to pick up her sneakers for gym class.
"What goes in, must come out"?
Did you hear about the 300+ pound bear at the zoo, who caught a rubber ball thrown at it through the bars of it's cage?
The bear caught and the swallowed the ball, which then became lodged in the bear's small intestine. Guess what? No more bear. Death from ball blockage of intestine.
damn. you'd think they'd've noticed the lack of bear crap and done an ultrasound or something.
'The Rest of The Story?'
We have theorized my friends
on why the chicken crossed,
but who?, and when?, and where?, and how?
why are THESE questions lost?
Was she a HAPPY chicken friends?
. . . or a fowl by tempest tossed?
was it a bitter Winter's night
with howling wind and frost?
Perchance a lonely country road?
was it on foot she crossed?
Did she fall down an icy hill
and slide the road, across?
and did she meet the farmer's wheels?
So sad . . . . ( a roaster lost! )
So sigh, and contemplate my friends,
Oh what a bitter pill!
a lovely bird, who dreamed her dreams,
yet ends her life, 'Road Kill.'