Sofia wrote:dlowan wrote:AND we are discussing America - as well as the rest of the world.
Dreams and the odd far out christian group aside, do you think trumpeting abstinence will work in the USA?
What, like it did with drugs????? LOL!!
Sort of desperate tonight, aren't you? As long as UN soldiers are paying ten year old girls $3 for sex, I want them to know how to say NO, and why they should. Not so funny to me.
No, the people that see it as I do, see quite a different set of realities in Africa and America. Once you rid yourself of the Blinding Bias, I'm sure you will, too.
America is nearly saturated with correct information about AIDS--so abstinence will probably only be useful in the lower middle grades. It may convince some younger adults to be more choosy, and have less casual sex--but for the most part, percentagewise, condoms fit the US' need moreso than abstinence.
But, I see you've finally copped to the real story behind your pathetic argument.
"Its science against religiosity."
You and others like you are so afraid some tenet of religion will prove worthwhile--and even the best idea, in some cases, you'd let people die of ignorance, rather than admit the usefulness of something like abstinence. BIAS! Nobody's trying to convert you, or anybody else. Just trying to tell them how to avoid AIDS.
I think you've flipped your lid. I can't divine any sensible meaning in your PC post.
What HAS been PROVEN to be the case, is that stupid ideology and that current AMERICAN political correctness ought not to limit proper education and provision of service.
Abstinence is politically incorrect in America. I felt stigmatized at first, admitting it's strength as a deterrent to AIDS. It sounds like a joke to some people, and in some cases it is. BUT NOT ALL CASES. It is also 100% effective in stopping sexual transmission of the worst epidemic known to man. (For atheists, too.)

In Africa, people are operating under all types of myth and misconception. There, abstinence may have a much greater impact. With abstinence will come the tearing down of some incorrect information. It's not about saying, "Don't." It's about telling a person exactly how you get AIDS, and that even though some man told them if they put a knife under the bed to cut the AIDS from you--that's a lie. Abstinence teaching is empowering. And, they are told about condoms.
Proper education about AIDS has NOT been stopped; provision of services has not been stopped or impeded, due to the addition of abstinence to the US program.
Research for AIDS is not suffering--trust me.
Of course you cannot divine any reality in my "stupid PC" post Sofia,
This is because you can only see PC when it is AGAINST your beliefs. I have no qualms with it, generally - I just enjoy pointing out yours, because you you rail against it so much in others.
I have no problem, as I stated, with information about abstinence. If it has done good in Uganda - that is wonderful! Any reality based sex education for people kept ignorant, or lied to, is great.
What I DO have is a reality based contempt for ideology driven decisions to fund abstinence based education and health provision INSTEAD OF comprehensive ones. And - actually, I thought amongst a small group of religious American young, abstinence was quite fashionable - at least in declaration, if not in reality? Quite PC, in fact?
Good on them. Let them go in peace. I am overjoyed for them.
Not many will follow them - and, must we model GENERAL services upon them????? I think not. But - by all means let them publicize their message - just not at the expense of programs that have broader appeal and efficacy.
Eg - from the article - clearly stating that abstinence only programs are being funded at the EXPENSE of proper ones:
"In May, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists called the Bush administration's increased financing of abstinence-only programs at the expense of comprehensive sex education a violation of children's human rights."
And this:
"Mr. Wagoner, who said there was no reliable evidence that abstinence-only programs work, said his Advocates for Youth organization had to cut programs in black colleges and among gay, lesbian and transgender young people that sought to prevent H.I.V. infections and other sexually transmitted diseases and suicides.
Mr. Wagoner's group was not the only one to face new reviews. Last year, the Center for Aids Prevention Studies at the University of California in San Francisco was among four grant applicants for which Republican members of Congress sought unsuccessfully to rescind financing after it had already been approved.
One of the center's studies proposed to look at drug use and other risky behavior among female Asian sex workers at massage parlors in San Francisco to develop culturally appropriate efforts to prevent drug abuse and H.I.V.
"We were amazed that there would be an interference with critical science that's trying to save people's lives," said Cynthia A. Gomez, a co-director of the center."
Please do not drag in UN soldiers from the far out field to shore up your arguments. What crap!!!!! That is about starving kids in a war ravaged country - and bastard soldiers with the means for them to keep living. (Just like WW II and Vietnam and such) Un-politically correct as it is, I would favour handing out free condoms to those bastards (as well as charging and punishing them) just to limit the number of poor kids who catch stuff from them - or get pregnant, PLatitudes about abstinence are not going to stop starving girls living in hell from using a means to keep alive!!!! Dear goddess!!!
Sofia - have your religious beliefs - let Bush have his. Good on you both. As I said, go in peace. Yes, to be honest, I think them nonsense. So? We each think each other's political beliefs nonsense. You have no problem panning other's beliefs. Goddism is just another ideology to me. I would not mention it if it was not that people with these beliefs had not started to try force them on others in terms of education, research etc.
Where do you get the crap about preferring to let people die than mention abstinence? As I have said - nobody denies that abstinence will protect. IF people will practice it. IF they are allowed to (do you really think married women in Africa generally have a choice? Do you really think the women forced into prostitution in Africa because they have lost their parents to AIDS, or war, or such have a choice? These abstinence programs you laud lose funding if they HAND OUT CONDOMS!!!!! Are you aware of the huge numbers of women forced to work as prostitutes or starve in Africa passing on AIDS? - partly because folk cannot AFFORD condoms? We ought to be passing out the smegging things on the streets!!! YOUR president wants to stop this - fine - have a series of beliefs about a big fella in the sky - lots of Africans do, too - but do not allow them to influence decisions that affect a generation of people.)
You say "America is nearly saturated with correct information about AIDS" - yes? So it is here. One would think. However, the reality is that we NEED to keep saturating.
The current generation here is seeing an increase in infection rates - because for why? Stupidity like "I don't like how condoms feel" "ONly gay sex spreads AIDS" "AIDS is no longer a worry" And this is just AIDS - Hep B, C and A.... so on are a major worry.
In Africa it is even worse. Some African leaders decry AIDS as a western invention to put down Africans. Some deny HIV causes AIDS. Education is an ongoing need - as are the means to prevent infection.
It is NOT the addition of abstinence to the program (when was it ever not there, by the way???) it is favouring abstinence above proven better methods. It is preventing or, at best, limiting provision of condoms. It is holding back education about harm prevention for what is, for most, but a chimera.
I could not give a tuppenny smeg if people are told to abstain. Of COURSE it helps. Fine - tell 'em. Fabbo if they can, and do. Seems a bit of a pity for them, if they like sex, and can have it quite safely by using safe sex, but hey. Just help them if they won't/can't. Frankly, I couldn't give a brass razoo if you try to get them to paint their noses blue, or worship brass buttons as well as abstain (as long as they can refuse) if they are also given proper assistance to avoid pregnancy and disease as well.
Oh - the agency accused of using funds for paying for lobbyists was not doing it, by the way.