Sat 10 Jul, 2004 08:29 pm
I'm curious for stories or statistics on those sentenced to death who turned out to be innocent, or whose innocence was at least legitimately questionable. If anyone has stories or statistics, please share.
Go to blockbuster right now and rent "The life of David Gale".
that movie was excellent........
oh........all knowing O'Bill......I've heard that it's a true story and I've heard that it isn't. Do you kow either way?
guess i'll take back the all knowing part. O'bill....*hanging head in disappointment*
Boy, that was a tough one to find... but the answer is no. It is not based on a true story.
Uhg! :0 Anyone with TRUE stories?
I'll find some. Maybe not tonight because I'm tired, but I'll be back.
Here is a link to some who were found innocent before they were executed. I'll do more of an extenive research when I get the chance and try to find stories of people who were actually executed and found innocent after the fact.
You're such a sweetheart. I was going crazy trying to find such a link. Thanks sweetie ;-)
Montana, did you happen to look who your source is?
You quoted the "World Socialist Web Site" Darlin.
Here's a disgusting stat that could be useful.
Quote:1. United States (1900-50)
Lynchings (1952 World Almanac and Book of Fact, citing Tuskegee Inst.)
Whites: 195
Negroes: 1,791
TOTAL: 1,986
Looks like Montana better be hitting the sheets soon ;-)
Your new sigline is a little hard to believe