I'll list the source again:
"In 1998, the Presidential Advisory Board on Race recognised that these discrepancies in the incarceration rate could not be explained solely by the higher crime rates in ethnic communities:
'These disparities are probably due in part to underlying disparities in criminal behavior. But evidence shows that these disparities also are due in part to discrimination in the administration of justice and to policies and practices that have an unjustified disparate impact on minorities and people of color.'
"Of the 500 prisoners executed between 1977 and end of 1998, 81.80 per cent were convicted of the murder of a white, even though blacks and whites are the victims of homicide in almost equal numbers nationwide. In 1972, the US Supreme Court ruled that the administration of the death penalty was unacceptably arbitrary and declared all existing state statutes to be unconstitutional."
Okay, well if we're saying statistics and numbers are unreliable, that destroys the the basis of my debate. Nevermind. Lets just do whatever the pro-death penalty folks think feels good.
We don't need things like DNA testing, fingerprints, and counting jurors votes, either. That includes too many statistics and numbers.