Without further information, I'd say not. Different treatment, or even meanness, isn't discrimination. Discrimination is being excluded from things, or being seen as more competent or less, because of factors beyond your control. There's a legal definition and a dictionary one, and what I've just typed is neither, but that's the essence of it. In the legal sense, you also have to belong to a protected class, e. g. race and gender are protected classes.
Say you had, I don't know, attached earlobes, just to throw out something utterly silly that just so happens to also be genetic. It's not a protected class but it's something you had no control over. Someone making fun of you for having attached earlobes is a douche, but they're not being discriminatory unless you don't get a job because of your earlobes. And even then, since it's not a protected class, you'd have a devil of a time winning any lawsuit.