George jumps sinking ship

Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:18 pm
Liberal Goddess wrote:
Enron robbed CA of BILLIONS of dollars and their connections help them avoid detection.

Bullshit. The state of CA deregulated electricity and stripped their own laws of any safeguards. ENRON didn't need any "connectioons" to avoid detection since there wasn't anyone looking over their shoulder to begin with.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:26 pm
I have a brother who was working for the Chevron Corporation at the time (he just left last friday) in California. It was his opinion then that Enron was being allowed by the federal government to gouge California. Chevron didn't care thought because it was getting a cut through several of its local subsidiaries.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:37 pm
It's not clear from this thread whether Bush is being accused of anything. I really have no personal knowledge of whether he knew Ken Lay or not, was associated with him in business or not. However, let's stipulate for the sake of argument that all of that is true. It is not a crime to know or be in business with someone who subsequently violates the law and goes to jail. It's not immoral either. Is anyone saying that Bush did anything specific that was illegal? And please, either be specific or don't bother to answer.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:45 pm
fishin' wrote:
Liberal Goddess wrote:
Enron robbed CA of BILLIONS of dollars and their connections help them avoid detection.

Bullshit. The state of CA deregulated electricity and stripped their own laws of any safeguards. ENRON didn't need any "connectioons" to avoid detection since there wasn't anyone looking over their shoulder to begin with.

Well hello fishin

bullshit? I don't think so. Or did you miss the several reported and aired TAPES OF ENRON EMPLOYEES ADMITTING TO GOUGING THEM. Rolling Eyes

It's not clear from this thread whether Bush is being accused of anything. I really have no personal knowledge of whether he knew Ken Lay or not, was associated with him in business or not. However, let's stipulate for the sake of argument that all of that is true. It is not a crime to know or be in business with someone who subsequently violates the law and goes to jail. It's not immoral either. Is anyone saying that Bush did anything specific that was illegal? And please, either be specific or don't bother to answer.

It may not be clear from the "thread" but it's clear in the records that show such a connection. It's not about his dealings with Ken Lay being "illegal" only that they existed for a long period of time even though I believe Bush uttered words to the effect " I did not know that man Ken lay until 1994" which was an outright lie.

Bush also allowed Ken Lay to help appoint the man who would be overseeing him. Again a matter of record which can be confirmed on a google search.

So there is a difference between "illegal" and "unethical" when Bush promised to bring integrity back to the WH was that to include "unethical" business dealings? cause in my book unethical doesn't = integrity.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:52 pm
Redheat wrote:
It may not be clear from the "thread" but it's clear in the records that show such a connection. It's not about his dealings with Ken Lay being "illegal" only that they existed for a long period of time...

Knowing or being in business with someone who commits a crime is neither illegal nor unethical. This is nothing.

Redheat wrote:
...even though I believe Bush uttered words to the effect " I did not know that man Ken lay until 1994" which was an outright lie.

Cite your sources that (a) he said it, (b) it's false. I happen to know for a fact that you were twice convicted of bank robbery.

Redheat wrote:
Bush also allowed Ken Lay to help appoint the man who would be overseeing him. Again a matter of record which can be confirmed on a google search.

What are you talking about? Cite your source.

Redheat wrote:
So there is a difference between "illegal" and "unethical" when Bush promised to bring integrity back to the WH was that to include "unethical" business dealings? cause in my book unethical doesn't = integrity.

You have provided no evidence that Bush did anything illegal or unethical. I can accuse anyone of anything, but it doesn't make it true. Unfortunately, if you sling enough mud at someone, some of it will stick.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:56 pm
Liberal Goddess wrote:
Enron robbed CA of BILLIONS of dollars and their connections help them avoid detection.

Bullshit. The state of CA deregulated electricity and stripped their own laws of any safeguards. ENRON didn't need any "connectioons" to avoid detection since there wasn't anyone looking over their shoulder to begin with.

Fishin, if you think that the highly-paid lobbyists and lawyers hired by Enron had nothing to do with the passing of those laws and rules that removed the safeguards in Cali, you really need to pull your head out of the sand and face reality.

The fleecing of Cali's populace by Enron (and their friends) was well-planned and executed to perfection. Their only problem? It worked too well, and people got really pissed off about it, and the whole house of corrupt cards came down.

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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 03:29 pm
Redheat wrote:
fishin' wrote:

Bullshit. The state of CA deregulated electricity and stripped their own laws of any safeguards. ENRON didn't need any "connectioons" to avoid detection since there wasn't anyone looking over their shoulder to begin with.

Well hello fishin

bullshit? I don't think so. Or did you miss the several reported and aired TAPES OF ENRON EMPLOYEES ADMITTING TO GOUGING THEM. Rolling Eyes

I heard the tapes. What do the tapes have to do with whether or not they needed connections? NOTHING! Yes, ENRON gouged the people of CA. They were able to because the State of CA deregulated their electrical system and in doing so didn't create a system that could either catch companies gouging or prevent companies from attempting to. The point is that ENRON didn't need any "connections". The fools left the door wide open.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 03:36 pm

Welcome back, and stick around awhile this time. Still disagreeing with all your politics - and hey, where's the friday joke column?
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 03:54 pm
Boy, Georgie is having a really bad week:


George W. Bush walks away from a briefing with the media, refusing to answer questions after he was asked about Enron and the reported indictment of former CEO Kenneth Lay, who was a close adviser and fund-raiser for Bush and his father, earning him the presidential nickname of 'Kenny Boy.'

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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 05:07 pm
I lived in California when California deregulated it's electrical industry by Pete Wilson, Republican Governor of California and a Republican-dominated legislature at the urging of the GOP and Reagan Administration fans of deregulation that often hurts the public interests. This opened the door for the Enron vultures to loot California's treasurery using a created electricity shortage.

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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 05:18 pm
Tom Sawyer is the prosecuting attorney and he can whitewash anything.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 05:25 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I just want the bastard to go to prison.

Me too. Move over, Martha.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 06:26 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Redheat wrote:
...even though I believe Bush uttered words to the effect " I did not know that man Ken lay until 1994" which was an outright lie.

Cite your sources that (a) he said it, (b) it's false.

Then as president, after Enron imploded, Bush falsely claimed he "first got to know Ken [Lay in 1994]."

The Lies of George W. Bush, David Corn

Lay's relationship with the Bush family dates from at least 1990, when he was co-chairman of former President Bush's economic summit for industrialized nations, which was held in Houston. Lay also was co-chairman of the host committee for the Republican National Convention when it was held in Houston in 1992.

White House downplays Bush ties to Lay

OK, Brandon, let's go a little farther, since I can see you're already going to try to wiggle out of acknowledging the truth (you have a consistent blind spot when it comes to the duplicitousness of the Bush administration -- and don't think no one's noticed):

Bush's Lie

On January 10, 2002, a reporter asked Bush about his relationship with Ken Lay. Bush replied:

"First of all, Ken Lay is a supporter, and I got to know Ken Lay when he was a head of the -- what they call the Governor's Business Council in Texas. He was a supporter of Ann Richards (former Texas governor) in my run against her in 1994, and she named him head of the Governor's Business Council and I decided to leave him in place, for the sake of continuity. And that's when I first got to know Ken and worked with Ken, and he supported my candidacy . . . "

The truth

Bush knew and associated with Ken Lay long before 1994 and Bush was much closer to Lay than just re-appointing him to a business council.

In the summer of 1991, Lay told the Dallas Morning News that in 1989, when he was spearheading a project to locate the Bush Presidential Library in Houston (Bush I), "That's when I probably spent more quality time with George W. Bush." 1989 -- not 1994.

Lay headed the local host committee for the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston where, according to what he told the Houston Chronicle, he "worked closely with George W. Bush." 1992 -- not 1994.

In a March 2001 interview with PBS, Lay told a much different story from the lie told by GWBush. Lay stated that he had been "a strong financial and political supporter of, first, President Bush, Sr., when he was running for president in 1980. . . I'm very close to the family. . . I was very close to George W. and had a lot of respect for him . . . " 1980 -- not 1994.
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Brand X
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 05:33 am
Everybody wanted a piece of that action....

Ken sure got around! CEO tied to Kerrys, too
By David R. Guarino
Read Guarino's Road to Boston Blog
Friday, July 9, 2004

President Bush may know indicted ex-Enron boss Ken Lay as ``Kenny Boy,'' but Sen. John F. Kerry [related, bio] and his millionaire wife also have past financial and personal ties to Lay's shamed energy firm, documents show.

Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry reported more than $250,000 in Enron stock ownership before the firm's 2003 collapse. Kerry also was forced to return a campaign contribution from an implicated Enron executive.

And Heinz Kerry served on a charity board with Lay, even after he was implicated in the alleged fraud, records show.

Kerry has railed against the Bush administration's handling of the Enron scandal on the campaign trail.

The Kerry campaign said the senator's meager ties pale in comparison to Bush's longtime friendship with and financial backing from Lay.

``George Bush and Ken Lay worked together for years, Ken Lay defrauded consumers and collected profits from it and George Bush collected a half-million dollars from Enron,'' Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan said. ``We received one check from an employee that was accused of wrongdoing and we returned the check. That speaks volumes.''

Kerry's campaign took $1,000 from an executive of Enron Wind in November 2001, a check he returned a few months later. He also took $250 from an Enron accountant in May - a check he won't return, Meehan said, because that donor hasn't been implicated in the alleged fraud.

A Heinz family trust bought between $250,000 and $500,000 of stock in December 1995, just days before Heinz Kerry announced Lay would serve as a member of the Heinz Center philanthropy, Kerry's Senate financial disclosure documents show.

The stock brought between $5,000 and $15,000 in dividends in 1996 before it was sold in 1997, the disclosure forms show.

Lay stayed on the board after Enron's collapse and a Heinz Foundation spokeswoman defended Lay in news reports amid the fraud accusations as having ``a good reputation in the environmental community.''

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 06:27 am
Brand X wrote:
Everybody wanted a piece of that action....

Ken sure got around! CEO tied to Kerrys, too
By David R. Guarino
Read Guarino's Road to Boston Blog
Friday, July 9, 2004

President Bush may know indicted ex-Enron boss Ken Lay as ``Kenny Boy,'' but Sen. John F. Kerry [related, bio] and his millionaire wife also have past financial and personal ties to Lay's shamed energy firm, documents show.

Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry reported more than $250,000 in Enron stock ownership before the firm's 2003 collapse. Kerry also was forced to return a campaign contribution from an implicated Enron executive.

wow. Ken Lay gave far more then $250,000 to Bush's campaign and my guess is that Teresa Heinz's portfolio has many large corporations in it. That's what people with money do, they invest in large companies.

And Heinz Kerry served on a charity board with Lay, even after he was implicated in the alleged fraud, records show.

OMG she sat next to him! Well that proves she was part of the fraud Shocked

Kerry has railed against the Bush administration's handling of the Enron scandal on the campaign trail.

The Kerry campaign said the senator's meager ties pale in comparison to Bush's longtime friendship with and financial backing from Lay.

``George Bush and Ken Lay worked together for years, Ken Lay defrauded consumers and collected profits from it and George Bush collected a half-million dollars from Enron,'' Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan said. ``We received one check from an employee that was accused of wrongdoing and we returned the check. That speaks volumes.''

Kerry's campaign took $1,000 from an executive of Enron Wind in November 2001, a check he returned a few months later. He also took $250 from an Enron accountant in May - a check he won't return, Meehan said, because that donor hasn't been implicated in the alleged fraud.

OMG $1,000!!! Now that's but a fraction of what was given to Bush who pocketed a $100,000 check JUST FOR the inaguration.

A Heinz family trust bought between $250,000 and $500,000 of stock in December 1995, just days before Heinz Kerry announced Lay would serve as a member of the Heinz Center philanthropy, Kerry's Senate financial disclosure documents show.

What other stock did they buy during that time?

The stock brought between $5,000 and $15,000 in dividends in 1996 before it was sold in 1997, the disclosure forms show.

You mean they bought stock to make money? how odd I always thought you invested in the stock market to just have a place for your money to rest and be happy.

Lay stayed on the board after Enron's collapse and a Heinz Foundation spokeswoman defended Lay in news reports amid the fraud accusations as having ``a good reputation in the environmental community.''

Well there you go! that proves a connection Rolling Eyes

I would think the author of this article would be ashamed to refer to themselves as a journalist. Nothing here even begins to show anything close to the ties that Bush had with Ken Lay.

BTW thanks PDiddie Very Happy appreciate the back up
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 07:47 am
New York Times editorial Friday 7/9/04

Enron's Spiritual Leader
Published: July 9, 2004
When President Bush was elected, there was much speculation about whether his top corporate sponsor, Kenneth Lay of Enron, would end up as secretary of the Treasury or the Department of Energy. Mr. Lay stayed in the private sector, enjoying the best of both worlds: corporate pay and the ability to make policy as part of Dick Cheney's energy task force.
Those were the days. Now Mr. Lay, the former chairman and chief executive of Enron, the once-imposing energy trader, is trying to portray his ties with the Bush dynasty as a liability. Indicted on charges of participating in a fraud conspiracy that led to Enron's bankruptcy, Mr. Lay emerged from his arraignment yesterday and held a bizarre news conference, where he proclaimed his innocence. He also said that given his history with President Bush, it would have taken far more courage for prosecutors not to indict him....

For complete editorial see link
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 08:59 am
PDiddie wrote:
OK, Brandon, let's go a little farther, since I can see you're already going to try to wiggle out of acknowledging the truth (you have a consistent blind spot when it comes to the duplicitousness of the Bush administration -- and don't think no one's noticed)

I'm so embarassed that you noticed I'm a Bush supporter. I thought I was being so clever about hiding it. Apparently to you, asking someone to cite his source in a debate, or asserting that knowing a criminal doesn't make you a criminal must strike you as unfair.

The statement by the president that he first got to know Lay in 1994, appears to be untrue, pretty much however one interprets "got to know." At least that's what my research this morning indicates. It appears to me, however, that Enron and Lay are being prosecuted vigorously.
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Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 09:49 am
The exact same tactic was used on Clinton in the Whitewater affair. Tom Sawyer Attorney-At-Law has his whitewash brush all ready to turn Ken Lay into a Kabuki performer.
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Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 09:52 am
Bush, "I did not have financial relations with that man."
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Brand X
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2004 11:53 am
Lightwizard wrote:
Bush, "I did not have financial relations with that man."

Laughing Good one!
0 Replies

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