mchalel wrote:
Quote:So last night i pretty much blew up about all the insecurities i'd been having. . . .
Anyways, he basically told me that we need to break up and that he is sick of me getting upset about his past. He said he doesnt feel upset about my past and that all that matters is that he is with me now. . . .
He said he had warned me about this before and i told him i wouldnt get upset about his past anymore and i did. . . .
He said that if we were to get back together he feels that this will happen again.
Yesterday morning, I wrote the following concerning your insecurities:
Quote:You have a choice. You can let go of your anger and insecurities over HIS PAST and move forward to build a happy relationship together, or you can torture him with your insecurities until he becomes emotionally drained and can't take it anymore.
I hope you make the happy, healthy choice for yourself and for him.
Yesterday, the lesson was about making healthy choices.
Today, the lesson is about the consequences of an unhealthy choice.
You knew what would happen if you continued to torture your boyfriend with your insecurities. There is nothing he can do to erase his past. Nevertheless, you continued to lash out at him in anger over something that was impossible to fix to your satisfaction. You emotionally drained him.
The two of you discussed the problem.
You knew what the consequences were before you blew up at him last night. He warned you that he couldn't take anymore and you promised to stop hurting him. You broke your promise. He doesn't trust you to stop hurting him and now he wants to break up.
Maybe you can convince him that this time you will keep your promise. As angry as you are about this issue, however, I'm not convinced that you will be able to keep a promise to let go of his past and move forward. Maybe a few years down the road, with individual growth and maturity, you will be able to deal with issues such as this one--but right now, I think you have a lot to sort out in your own mind and heart before you can be in a healthy relationship.
Best wishes in your struggle for happiness!