I'm teasing you a little here Joe: Up until now, I haven't stated an opinion as to whether or not John Edwards' fees were reasonable. Frankly, I don't think it's any of my business what Mr. Edwards charges for legal fees. Unless the law is changed; Mr. Edwards skills are worth every penny someone is willing to pay him for them. The "value" is evident by the numbers preceding the signature on the contract.
When I say; "he looks pretty sleazy to me" it is a knee-jerk response, a gut reaction if you will to this sequence:
I find this sequence as sleazy as it is brilliant. Were I John Edwards; I'd be as proud of myself for conceiving this strategy as I was repulsed by my willingness to use it. And use it I would for a $X,000,000 fee, Joe make no mistake about it, not too much benevolence here, but alas, I'd feel pretty sleazy while doing so.
Of course there are far more principled people here on A2K than myself, Joe, and those are the very people my statement was meant to move. You see Joe; those who claim to personify such high morals and selflessness generally reside on the other side of the political fence from myself. Get it? :wink:
Joe wrote:They both appeared in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue?
Wrong answer, try again and no googling! (hint:look closely at the trophy)