@The Pentacle Queen,
Good to hear. Just remember that they aren't the be all & end all...a few more books after that will help give you a much clearer picture of how to utilise the subconscious - because in some instances other books will reinforce some areas for you, and in other instances it will offer explanations that make more sense, offer different insights, or suggest other ways of utilising the subconscious (eg. the pendulum use for yes/no questions).
Oh, and one other very simple way of getting answers from the subconscious: If you want to know whether something will work (for you) or is good for you - Ask yourself a 'on a scale of 1 to 10' question. Eg.
- on a scale of 1 to 10, how good is this relationship for me?
The immediate answer - the first number that pops into your head (rather than the considered answer) tends to be directly from your subconscious.
Anything 1-5 is usually a 'no / not good / negative / avoid / don't do' (because that is generally the scale we've used all our life when measuring things - if you think about anyone who's ever asked that question of you - when no specific meaning has been assigned to each number)
As a note on that - if you ask a very emotive question eg. how good is this guy/girl for me, and your mind starts 'quavering, or zipping to & fro' (both of which are a signal in your mind that you are trying to avid the answer), then I would disregard the answer you arrive at, and ask a series of less emotive questions that lead up to what you want to know. Eg. how much does he/she make me happy; how much does he she help build my self/esteem; how much does he/she respect me, etc.
It can of course be used more many other things: how good is this job for me, how important is ### to me, do I need to do ###, should I do ZZZ, how well will I learn using this method, and on a more achievement oriented / practical level;
- what are my chances of achieving my goal (you have to name the goal) if I do A
- what are my chances of achieving my goal if I do B
- what are my chances of achieving my goal if I do C
- what are my chances of achieving my goal if I do a combination of A & C
- etc
Or in conflict situations:
- how well did I handle that conversation
- how much did my attitude contribute to the outcome (asked because almost always our attitude contributes)
- if my attitude was different, what are the chances of having resolved the conflict?
- how much would doing X have helped create a favourable outcome
- how much would doing Y have helped create a favourable outcome