My take is a little different, but not so different from previous posters. That is to say, my suspicion is that their advice may be correct, but may be difficult for you to implement into your life.
You describe enjoying many different things, which gives you a wide variety of fields in which to meet people. And people are drawn to other people who have passion/s in their life.
You also describe numerous ways in which you describe yourself as different. (fashion, music, drinking, smoking, pubs / clubs)...and my guess is that the vast majority of people your age
are into those things (that you aren't). And you mention getting away from it all, spending time with your thoughts.
It seems to me that you love life, that you like people, but that you don't relate to people easily?
If you don't relate to people that easily, then it is likely to mean you have a limited number of friends, and going out may be difficult (due to the limited number of friends), perhaps draining (if you are in a very crowded place with social expectations of mingling), and perhaps at times unenjoyable (if you don't like pubs/clubs/loud music).
My suspicion is that you are quite introverted (which basically means socialising drains you, rather than energises you - which is what an extrovert experiences), and have chosen a life style based around both your love of life, and introversion.
If that is the case, then while much of the advice given makes sense, it would be difficult for you to adopt in a way that would help you achieve what you want. If it is the case, I would recommend a different approach, that is:
Simply using a numbers game ie. go places that have people where you are likely to interact with other people on a regular basis:
- join clubs that share your interest (sports, cycling, photography, choirs, hiking/nature)
- take classes (drawing, music, photography)
A numbers game in fields that interest you is a very good idea (even if you aren't introverted), simply because, being in a place were others already share a similar interest to you, increases the chances of you finding others who share similar traits / values / other interests with you.