The coming Oz election thread ...

melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 01:52 am
if the government does not aid private schools, yearly fees would be well out of reach of anyone without a half million p.a income. Prices would be around 50 grand a year and less people will be able to be better educated.
CONSIDERABLY less students.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 01:56 am
While at the same time, government would have much more money to distribute to the publicly-supported schools. I find it ironic that your parents spend this money, and the government spends tax-payer dollars to support said school, with the result that you write: Considerably less students. Students are unitary substantives--therefore, Considerably fewer students. One might suggest that your parents, as well as the government, are getting bilked.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 02:49 am
melbournian cheese wrote:
you seem to be forgetting that my parents pay taxes as well. Also, the HSC results are much better at private schools, tuition is better, facilities are better, and the success rate of getting a well paid job after private schooling is considerably higher. THIS COSTS MONEY!!!!!The general feeling I've been getting is that private schools just steal everyones tax dollars for their own fiendish purposes, ever thought that perhaps it is for improving the quality of the school? To make the children there do better in their final exam?

Could someone please give me a solid reason for private schools not getting any money without emotional outbursts?

PS. What country are you in Setanta?

I have already stated my reasons - and the only person to have an emotional outburst was Wilso, so please do not generalize.

I pay lots of tax for services I do not use. I am happy to do this in order to enjoy the benefits of a civil and functional society.

Your parents are quite able to access the public system - which will be better when it is better resourced.
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 02:49 am
That's one way of winning an argument, hanging on to every word your 'opponent' says. It's pretty sad that you're even having a political argument with me (a student) and appearing rather smug about finding a flaw in my argument (even a grammatical one)
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 02:52 am
Nothing smug at all . . . i find you tedious because i and others have already on more than one occassion laid out the reasons why your crocodile tears over your parents' tax dollars are unconvincing, but you continue to shout (which is what all-caps means on-line) the same tired and baseless arguments. I personally will waste no more time explaining to you what has been already repeatedly explained to you.
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:02 am
oh well, I guess you're right. Let's all destroy the private education system and pour thousands of dollars into the public school system because that will make it better. Let's put all the gifted children in the same class as not so smart children and watch them being dragged down intellectually by learning the same simple thing and not getting ahead as they should be. Let's all put the athletic children in schools that don't provide sporting grounds or even sporting teams and watch them lose their abilities. Sounds good enough to me.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:12 am
In the United States, where public school funding has a long tradition, public school systems provide separate educational facilities for both the gifted and the disadvantaged. Sports facilities are provided for the students, and Federal law mandates that girls have the same access to sports facilities as do the boys. You're just puking up the tripe propaganda of self-interested people who benefit from the perpetuation of a dual system. I rather think that years of an outrageous system of subsidizing private schools has likely created a situation in Oz in which it will take many, many years to redress the inequities created thereby.

Public education is an essential public service just as is fire protection and policing. I've never been in a house fire; i've never even been in a house which was damaged by fire. Do you suggest that i shouldn't be obliged to pay taxes which support the fire department? A system of public education benefits all taxpayers, whether or not they use the system, whether or not they even have children.

If you wish to pout about this, help yourself, but don't expect any further replies from me.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:23 am
melbournian cheese wrote:
oh well, I guess you're right. Let's all destroy the private education system and pour thousands of dollars into the public school system because that will make it better. Let's put all the gifted children in the same class as not so smart children and watch them being dragged down intellectually by learning the same simple thing and not getting ahead as they should be. Let's all put the athletic children in schools that don't provide sporting grounds or even sporting teams and watch them lose their abilities. Sounds good enough to me.

Now you are getting silly and betraying your ignorance.

There are special programs for gifted children in state schools - just as there are specialist schools for students with special interest/talent in languages, sport, music, science, maths etc.

These programs will be even better when the money currently funneled to the schools with the most money is once again available to the state system.
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:34 am
What? I said you were right. I said it sounded good enough to me. What more do you want?
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:35 am
Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining boy, i didn't fall of the turnip truck yesterday . . .
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:38 am
ummm.....I'm going to pretend to understand that...and fail miserably
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:43 am
melbournian cheese wrote:
What? I said you were right. I said it sounded good enough to me. What more do you want?

As you seem to have a modicum of intelligence, displayed among the fits of pouting, i'll give you an explanation. This is a totally disingenuous statement. You make this statement knowing full-well that you don't mean it. Therefore, i have used a common expression used in the city of my birth, New York, for someone who speaks to you as though you were stupid and ripe for being cozened: Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining.
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:54 am
what fits of pouting, may I ask?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:54 am
Find another playmate, little boy, i have a job to go to . . .
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 03:59 am
I'll bet you do. Seeing as you spend most of your morning arguing with a child in another country about schooling, it can't be very fulfilling.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 04:01 am
What a complete putz.
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melbournian cheese
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 04:03 am
Didn't you have a job to go to?
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 04:41 am
Woo.... heavy stuff folks.

And beside the point. And the point IS that I have just left Hornsby Railway Station and in full view of the passing public, including small children there are about 20 posters for Phil Ruddock. He's smiling.... the sort of smile a vulture has on spotting the dying gazelle. Scary.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 04:58 am
Arrrrrghhhhhh - there is a face marked by his actions...
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 05:07 am
I only reveal this image because the safety of the public is involved...


Only in Hornsby, there is a smile. Must have spotted a busload of pensioners go off a cliff or something...

Ohh, and that excuse for a failure of a politician, Pauline Hansen, has had some publicity chucked her way. Explain this to me. We can STOP people from entering this country with force if necessary and we CAN'T get that cow on a plane to ANYWHERE with a one-way ticket. Doesn't seem right.....
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